ok try it this time


  • pleco_copy.gif
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Ah....this looks similar to somthing i've seen before but im just going to do a search on it none the less, be back in a mo :thumbs:
Did you get him from Lossie chish? Looks like the same as mine. I was sold it as a gold spot but no one here thinks it is. Got a thread about it somewhere if you want me to go look?
Not entirely sure from that pic. But here is a female I had - probably approx 2.5 " there

wow cheers folks,

Black angel - yeah I got it from lossie shop. The exact same as your pleco.

It kind of looks like a cross between the female bristle nose that tokis posted and the golden nugget plec.
Its a darker brown that those tokis, and the dorsal fin is more acute than rounded,
Maybe it's a hybrid pleco.
Yip thats the badboy. I was just looking in planet catfish there.

Why don't they get common names?
I dunno, it doesn't have much data at all about it so it must be a fairly new or rare species- you should tell the lfs you got it from what it is now you know. Most vegetarian plecs need a certain amount of protein in their diets, try feeding it some de-shelled prawns and see if it likes them :) .

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