Fantastic Looking Diy Background


Fish Fanatic
Apr 23, 2006
Reaction score
Derby, UK
Hey all, though you might like this

I think, for the effort involved, that background looks fantastic. Its alot less hassle than polystyrene, less chemicals, and more iteractive. I bet you could, with a little modding, hide a heater and filter behind there too. I for one will be giving this a go, just as soon as ive moved house (2 weeks! I have a very empty, sad looking fish tank sitting in my living room right now that i cant do anything with! -_- )

Anyone know where i could get my hands on that much black lava rock in the uk?
that does look good :hyper:

just make sure there are no fish hiding there when draining the tank to do a water change!!
hehe yes! I guess if you didnt silicon it to the back it'd be okay. just hook it over the glass with some coat hanger wire, then you can take it off when you go to clean, and all the fishies will be revealed!
I don't like the idea of that much metal exposed in the tank :no:

sorry what metal? or have i missed something? :unsure:
yes it is held in place with metal, but if its hung over the edge of the tank. there will be little or none in the tank! this looks like a great idea promithius! thanks
yea no metal in it. Plastic guttering, silicone, rocks. the pipes are held together with cable ties. the only metal would be the hooks to hang it on the back of the aquarium, but these would be above the water line. all in all, a fun little project. only problem i can see is finding that much black lava rock without smashing sevral piggy banks!
but your not restricited to using lava rock are you?
they sell this black pebble stuff at my LFS that is fine gravel, and costs about 1 dollar by the pound, so may be cheaper elsewhere , like in the states
each to their own.... i think it looks a bit.... ugly :crazy:
I think it looks smart, by far the most realistic one I have seen yet.
Could be a disaster if something dies in those pipes and you dont notice :/

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