
New Member
Feb 23, 2017
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We have a fancy guppy who we believed to be pregnant. We just moved her into her own tank a few days ago so our other fish wouldn't eat all the fry, and last night she looked like she was in labor. However, when we came down this morning, there were bubble/egg like balls floating on the top of the water surface (see image)! She still looks pretty big, so I'm not sure what these could be...


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not an expert or anything
but guppy's are live bearers meaning they do not lay eggs they spawn live baby's mine just spawned again for me last night

and your pic looks like a betta fish bubble nest

and as for your pregnant guppy once it has a boxed ( squared ) stomach she should have them very soon around couple days or hours depending if not stressed they spawn every month or so example my female spawned on 1/20 then again 2/23

hope this helps & someone more knowledgeable then me can answer have a good day (=
Savagurl is right, guppies are livebearers. If she did give birth (and did not eat them afterwards), you should be able to see fry near the bottom of the tank soon.
Bubbles on the top of the tank can mean a excess of proteins (from decaying things, like fish, food, or organic matter). Feeding less and changing more can help. If you do have gourami or bettas in your tank, though, that looks to be a bubble nest, as Savagurl said.
Here is a thread that should help to discern how far along she is.
The bubbles seem to have gone away, but now she has a lesion on her side (see picture)
She's been VERY bloated/pregnant for about two weeks now, which I'm pretty sure is not supposed to happen. Is she sick? She's very hungry, and is moving about as usual, but there appears to be a bump/lesion/hole in her side. What is happening to her???
Picture is a bit blurry, but that looks like a very bloated male to me. There could be a tumor/growth making its way to the surface of the fish. I've had it happen a few times in a betta and gourami, after the growth was pushed out by the fish's immune system the wound was like a crater but it healed over nicely for both fish. I've a feeling you fish might not make it though. Guppies don't seem to handle stress and being injured very well.

I would do a 50% water change, grab some aquarium salt and Melafix, crank the heat up to 78 and pray.
This has happened to me before... the egg like objects are actually aborted fry... the guppies usually abort their fry if they get too stressed. The same thing happened with my first guppy Mom, she became very pregnant, but would only birth those egg things and eventually she just died from the stress. The most probably cause was that a fry or something inside her I guess womb got caught so the fish tried to flush its system. Unable to do that she swells up with fluids and waste because a fry or aborted fry got stuck.

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Agreed, that fish is definitely male so was never pregnant. Female guppies have a triangular anal fin.
I've never had experience with lesions but from reading other people's I would treat with an antibiotic to prevent infection and hope it heals

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