Fancy Goldfish


Fish Aficionado
Jan 1, 2006
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On Monday I noticed my 3 fancy fish had white spot. am treating them for it dose monday, one wednesday and one due tomorrow. But, one of them my fave of course is floating at top of tank with his body curved. His fins are all up and as my husband said he looks fine apart from the fact he cant swim properly. i am going to move him as the other 2 are pushing him about, but I am stumped as to what is the problem. any ideas? the last one I had that did this had been ill for ages with a growth and then died. dont think it is swim bladder
How many gallons or litres is the tank.
How many fish and which type.
Water stats in ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, and ph.
The curve do you mean a bent spine, as that can be old age, fish tb to internal parasites.
When ever I encouter nay problem, I seperate the fish with the issue, find a tempory tank, make sure it is clean. Then I carefully move the fish over and treat the water. If I have no idea what is wrong with them, then I generally go for salt treatment and I small dose of anti bacterial or anouther general use medicine. Fancy fish for some reason seem more seceptable to problems. Blackmores inparticular.
secondary problems are common with fish hit by whitespot.
sounds like an infection of the bladder. the curving of the fish is the fish trying to right itself but cant. when the fish arc way over and it looks like a letter c then the fish should be destroyed.
for this one try shallow water and no food to see if it clears up.

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