Fancy Friends?!


New Member
Mar 19, 2006
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Runnymede, UK
I'm moving my 2 Fancies from a 70 litre planted to a 270 litre planted tank, and I'm looking to add some other fish in with them (after quarantining them of course!).

Apart from WCMM, are there any other neon tetras etc? The fancies are pretty big now, but are not the 'bullying' types....well not so far anyway :)

Also, would shrimp be an option? My instinct says no....
If the fish can catch it they will eat it. Goldies have surprisingly big mouths so tetras and shrimp will be fast food.
Are you planning on more fancies for the tank?

As for other types maybe rosy red minnows.
I'm not sure whether to go for more fancies or not.....I am tempted to have a try at adding some smaller schooling fish for a bit of contrast and see how it goes. Rosy red minnows sound like a nice option.

If it turns out to be a disaster I may have to consider moving the fancies back to the 70 litre for a while, or running the 70 litre as the high tech planted tropical, and leaving the 270 litre as a coldwater planted.

Decisions, decisions!

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