Fancy Dan and Joan of Arc


New Member
Jul 14, 2020
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Hello! I'd like to post something good today, so I'm going to show off my two beautiful crowntail bettas, Fancy Dan and Joan!
Joan (full name is Jeanne d'Arc, or in English "Joan of Arc") is a beautiful blue/turquoise/green/sorta iridescent female crowntail that has a very friendly and excitable personality. When I come over to the tank, she frantically glass surfs to try and get closer to me and likes (or at least tolerates) being gently petted. Her favorite food is peas and least favorite is legit fish food.
Fancy Dan is a blue crowntail that likes to lay on his leaf all day, or at least until he sees Joan. He does not like being petted and viciously attacked my bf's index finger when he attempted to pet him. One of his favorite activities is sticking to the filter intake. His favorite food is brine shrimp cubes and least favorite is peas.
I also have some snails. They're eating on the remainder of a blanched cucumber. I have probably 200 or so of them and they keep the tank in pristine condition. They like to stick to the surface of the water and get blown around by the filter output. Dan has PTSD from a snail sticking to his tail and now chases them.
Both of the fish have been trained to do tricks, the snails on the other hand....
Very cute :wub: I am fascinated at fish doing tricks. Mine just scatter when my hand goes in :rofl:
I made a DIY training stick by taking the fuzz off a plastic stick q-tip and crimping it shut on one end and putting a dot of sparkly hot glue on the other. They know how to follow it, bite/nudge it, and jump to bite it. Joan also knows how to take food out of your fingers if you hold them in or above the water.
Any pics of the tank? I'm a sucker for tank shots :wub: :wub:
I'm kinda afraid I might upset people because they're in a split 5 gallon, and while I'm aware it's not large enough, it's the best I could do here at college. Also all the plants are fake except the moss ball, but I will be getting duckweed soon.
And thanks for the compliments for them! Since they're both getting old, especially Dan, they're fading in color a bit, but I will always think they look beautiful and I'm glad you agree ❤️

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