Fan tail male molly falling fast

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Nov 15, 2004
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please help I just bought a male fan tail molly home and a female silver molly watched them in store for about an hour before i purchased them have had them home for about an hour and they have been at the bottom hidding and look very stressed will this kill them I don't think the female molly will make it she is at times laying on her side and has gotten stuck on the intake of filter twice please can anyone tell me what to do I took a water sample into the store before I purchased them and my water registered fine and also bout a test strips home and water is still doing fine 0 ammonia 0 nitrate this is a new tank with 5 other mollies and 7 guppies and 1 frog....please anyone have any ideas tank is 55 gallons have had it for 1 week. I did a 10 percent water change this morning.

What was the store ph to your tank ph.
Just called store thereph is 8.5 as is mine as we do have very hard water.
I thought he had died as he was lying on hissideon bottom for tank so i went to net him and he was still barely alive I put a self medicating salt bath in bottom of tank will this help?

my fan molly has died unfortuantly my silver molly is getting ready to die and I still have not figured out what is wrong but I have noticed my pearl groumie (sp) has been rubbing itself up against things in the tank. I have already raised temp to 80 and added auarium salt I also left a bowl of salt at the bottom of the tank in a glass bowl anything else i could do please help I do not wanna lose my fish as I love them very much. :-(

my fan molly has died unfortuantly my silver molly is getting ready to die and I still have not figured out what is wrong but I have noticed my pearl groumie (sp) has been rubbing itself up against things in the tank.
It sounds like your Gourami has a case of protozoan parasite. Although I doubt that the parasites killed mollies. I've never heard of parasites killing the host overnight. When a fish dies in less than 2 days, it's usually becasue of either shock (temperature, pH, nitrate, etc.) or poisoning (ammonia, heavy metals, etc.)

I have already raised temp to 80 and added auarium salt I also left a bowl of salt at the bottom of the tank in a glass bowl anything else i could do please help I do not wanna lose my fish as I love them very much.
How much aquarium salt did you use? I'm not sure how your frog will handle the salt in the aquarium.

I do question your test kit that reads nitrate as zero. Are you sure you're reading nitrate and not nitrite?

What's your temperature like? How long did you acclimate the fish before releasing them into you tank?

Monitor your fish for any abnormal appearance and external parasite.
I have experienced something similar the lyretail molly has been in the aquarium for 6 weeks and it looked is 7.8 now i think it is more likely towards 7.5 because i did a partial change using rain water ph 7
All i did is that i 'cleaned the filter' but i made sure that i did not clean it all and rinsed it with aquarium water....

The molly had his tail completely fall off and now he died, in the mean time i had another molly who died with no apparent causes.

i have 3 other mollies an a number of mollies fry inside this aquarium

is my aquarium infected with disease?
thanks for ur help
i added one tablespoon per 5 gallons and also left 2 tablespoons in a glass bowl in the booton of the tank for them to bathe in per stores instructions they do sit in the salt bathe at times for a min. or so is this ok or will it burn them? My silver molly has also died I just don't know what is going on :( , as far as my reading go I just took one this morning again and it was nitrate 0 nitrite 0 total hardness 300 total alkalinty 300 ph level 8.4.This tank has been up for about 1 week I did add some live plants , don't know how the slat will affect them. I waited 3 days to add any fish as I wanted to let the water set for a while with the pump running.Water is clear and not cloudy at all.Hope my frog will be ok with salt ,the store said he was kept in a tank with salt and did fine but I do not know how long they had him before I bought him. Will the salt kill the parisite the groumie may have? He does not rubb himself on things all the time just once and a while so maybe the start of something how should I teat it, my store has not been very helpful all they wanna do is sell me things I proble do not need ugggg. I called the store and they said that there ph is 8.5 also as it is a local store and have same water. I did let bag sit in tank for about 15 mins and then poured a little of my tank water in for another 15 mins did I do this to fast?

Thanks You for your help
Originaly you said your ammonia was 0 and nitrAte was 0. You now said your nitrIte was 0 and nitrAte was 0... If the tank has only been running for one week I doubt it is cycled. You should have some kind of reading unless there is something wrong with the test strips (liquid ones work better), your tank has cycled incredibly fast (or you did a fishless cycle) and your tap water has 0 nitrates and you do partial water changes ver very often/have lots and lots of plants. More likely your readings are not correct. Could you test again and post all three readings?
The likeliest problem is that the new fish were poisoned by excessive ammonia/nitrite in your water. If this wasn't the case, it may be that you didn't introduce them slowly enough - if the pH at home is the same as in the LFS and the fish was given a chance to get used to the temperature, what you did should have been enough (though I'd recomend longer anyway).
Are you shure the pH is the same? Test it.
It could also be that they were already sick and/or dying but it's unlikely. The gourami may have caught the parasite from these new fish. Always quarantine new arrivals...
Here are my readings taken this am
Nitrate 0
Nitrite Is inbetween 0 and .5 not quite white but has a little tinge of pink.
Total hardness 300
Total Alkalinity 300
ph 8.4
These test stripes I am using is called Jungle Fish Care.
I also have Diamond Blend in my filter as per store instuctions suppose to help keep Ammonia levels safe.
I have noticed that some of my fish have Ich (sp) they look like someone sprinkled salt on them how do I treat this as I do not wanna screw up my bio filter.
If I had a quarantine tank I would but at this time I do not this is my first tank ever thought that fish keeping would be fun but all I ever do is worry bout my little guys My molly had fry yesterday and I put them in a breeder net I only found 6 of them wow they are almost impossible to see.My temp in my tank is 80 and I did add salt at the rate of 1 teaspoon per 5 gallons of water will this get the Ich to go away?The fish I can notice the white spots on them is my clown louch (sp) he is active and acts fine though, could this have been what my other fish was rubbing themselves on thing for or are there other signs of ich?
any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Bought them tetra test strips once I thought they were expensive with having three tanks so haven't bought them since, and also they don't give an accurate reading compared to liquid ones.

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