Family Portrait

Very, very cool! Did you draw that yourself?

Sure did! It's what I do for a living (children's illustrations, that is). That image is for my bio page on my website.

It doesn't really look like much, but it's lots and lots and lots of sketches overlayed with lots and lots and lots of tracing paper to get a final sketch. Then one more layer of tracing paper, trace over the whole image with a black marker pen to get the whole thing in one piece, then scan it in and color it in photoshop. It's a long process that I've developed over the years. :D
Where are the fish???? *coughwonderingwhythenastypersondon'tincludefishcough* LOL.

That was really uncalled for...

Anyway, that's an awesome pic Brookelea and great idea for Christmas cards! What an awesome profession you have as well! I've never even thought about children's illustrations, but then again I can't draw... Very cool! :thumbs:
Thanks tek! Yeah, I love my job. I do children's writing, too, but not as much. I love kids and I LOVE seeing how they react to my work. It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. :wub: :lol:
Brooke, I absolutely love that picture, it's just too cute. I saw it the other night and I could have sworn that I commented, but I guess not. Again, adorable!! You do such great work.

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