False Bandit Cory..i Think Help Please


Fish Fanatic
Apr 20, 2006
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hi everyone purchased 2 cory cats thinking that they were panda corys but the more i look at them i think they may be false bandits.

Currently i have

3 green cory cats

1 pepperd cory (getting more)

2 false bandits

i also have clown loaches x 5 and 2 khuli loaches ive heard that if it is false bandits they dont get on well with clown loaches is this true if so i will take them back tomrrow and get some bigger green cory cats id be grateful if someone could let me know
Would you be able to post a pic by chance? This would help all out greatly with the identification.
I don't know what false bandits are, but pandas are ruputed to not be happy with the larger active bottom fish like clown Loaches and Emerald Cories/Brochis splendens. The shy Cories are not so happy with boisterous tank mates.

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