Fish Fanatic
hi. well i want to build a fake rock background for my fish tank. i was wondering if anyone can build these or if anyone wants to set themselves a challenge by building one. i can pay someone to do this as i have no idea how to do this myself. if anyone can give me any advice or information about where i can get the polystyrene to make this, equipment i would need or any other materials i would find i would need to do this. the link below is what i would like as this would be perfect however i have a 6ft x 2ft x 2ft tank to do this tank is a rena aqualife 600 Tank dimensions 201cm x 51cm x 71cm
Fake Rock Background - Pics - Reptile Forums - Herp Center
if anyone could help me in any shape or form i would be very very grateful.
thanks jade and liam
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Fake Rock Background - Pics - Reptile Forums - Herp Center
if anyone could help me in any shape or form i would be very very grateful.
thanks jade and liam
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