fake plants?

Whisper Odinsky said:
.. so can you have live plants and plastic plants together in a tank? :*)
No because the plastic plants become aggressive and territorial when they see live plants...

I'm scamming you - of course you can mix plastic with real plants! In fact, it's a good idea when your plants are small and the tank looks a little bear, or if you need emergency cover for fish or fry.
Alien Anna said:
Whisper Odinsky said:
.. so can you have live plants and plastic plants together in a tank?  :*)
No because the plastic plants become aggressive and territorial when they see live plants...

I'm scamming you - of course you can mix plastic with real plants! In fact, it's a good idea when your plants are small and the tank looks a little bear, or if you need emergency cover for fish or fry.
Hahaha! :lol: I thougth for one second there, you were serious...

Yeah, it is a good idea, I did that 2 weeks ago, but have since then removed them(I bought loads of plants).
Alien Anna said:
No because the plastic plants become aggressive and territorial when they see live plants...


thankyou. you've just accomplished having my spit out my water all over my keyboard- You TOTALLY rock Anna, thankyou!!
When I brought my first tank home it had around 25 fake plants with it. I used these as a template to do some aquascaping with. When I got the right look I went and bought the "real things" one at a time and replaced the fakes. But I wouldn,t go out and buy fakes, not at $5 bucks each or more. My mate has 5 tanks full of Cichlids and hes told me he has tried live plants several times and they don,t last a week. So he is forced to use fakes. BTW Anna, I think my fakes got jealous and aggressive when I put the real ones in...hehehe :lol:
learn somethingn new everyday. i was lead to believe that if you have live plants, they will lead to algae problems and to avoid this go with the fake ones, guess i was misinformed...... (oh, and don't forget, not all fakes are plastic, they do make silk/fabric ones that don't look half bad and cost the same as the plastic ones....). also, from someone else's post here, if you have real plants then filters aren't necessary? or did i misinterpret that. what fish tend to be the biggest plant eaters then? oh no, getting into plants, whole new world here for me......... :p
yes i agree, live plants do slow down the production of alge. Another way to stop alge is to get snails, or fish that eat alge! Easy soloution. I prefer the live plants myself, and only ever used plastic when i had a goldfish won from a fair but thats cos my dad bought them.
Real plants are a bit harder to take care of because firstly you need a light, secondly you need at least about 6 plants to get a decent looking aquascape, thirdly if fish eat them you have to replace them and fourthly if they die you must remove them immediatly so they don't contaminate the tank. I'm not saying plants are bad, of course they look better and all, but I can't afford it now :*) and I can't put up with taking care of them as well as my fish. Taking care of them is basically like taking care of more fish. But by all means they're good if you have the money and time. :D
I realize that I am a newbie here, but who say you have to use plastic?? I use silk plants, you can get nice looking not to mention real looking plants and I bought mine at the local dollar store. I got more than enough to deco my 55 gal tank for less than $7. I bought the plants, seperated them into smaller plants. You can get green plants as well as some awsome colors if that is the way you choose to go. Just thought I would throw in my two censt worht.......
One observation about the silk plants: Before I switched to all live plants, I had some silk. I noticed that if they get algae on them, it is difficult to get rid of it/clean it off. The algae takes hold between the weaves of the fabric.


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