fake plants?

Bo Sox Fan

New Member
Aug 27, 2003
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What are the advantages and disadvantages of fake plants, besides the obvious lack of needing to trim the fake ones.
1. They're fake and no matter how realistic they might look in photos etc you don't have to get very close to see they're not.
2. They don't use up nitrates in the water. Nitrates in large concentations can even kill sensitive fish and definitely contribute towards algae.
3. They act as biological "filters" taking toxins and algae-promoting nutrients (phosphate, iron etc) out of the water.
4. They can look fantastic.
Live plants are much more interesting. Your aquascape changes all the time! I like adding more plants now rather than fish! You fish will THRIVE wilth live plants. I have had aquariums for many years, and recently converted to filterless planted tanks. The fish are very active, always hungry and just seem happier.

OK, not much science here, but observation/experience is usually better!

If you are interested in planted tanks, and the science behind them, get Diana Walsted's book "Ecology of a Planted Aquarium". No pictures, just facts/tips. The best book I ever read. You can get it at Amazon.com.

:) I have a mix of live and plastic - live look really good and do all the 'gubbins' with oxygen and whatnot! :blink: ! Plastic are easier to care for and cheaper :nod: . My tank looks fine (aren't I just so modest!! :D )!!!

I do have a slight probby with algae, but thats nothing to do with plants. :no:
rosierabbit said:
:) I have a mix of live and plastic - live look really good and do all the 'gubbins' with oxygen and whatnot! :blink: ! Plastic are easier to care for and cheaper :nod: . My tank looks fine (aren't I just so modest!! :D )!!!

I do have a slight probby with algae, but thats nothing to do with plants. :no:
Just out of curiosity, why do you presume an algae problem has nothing to do with plants? Algae is a plant, after all, so we should assume they are related issues. Your plastic plants provide a great haven for algae to grow. Live plants compete with algae for nutrients in the water. I believe there is a strong relation between an algae problem and live plants in your tank. ;)
rosierabbit said:
I have a mix of live and plastic - live look really good and do all the 'gubbins' with oxygen and whatnot! :blink: ! Plastic are easier to care for and cheaper :nod: . My tank looks fine (aren't I just so modest!! :D )!!!
Cheaper? How can it possibly be cheaper than growing stuff from cuttings, or splitting a bunch of crypts you bought for 70p?
IMO you can't compare plastic with the real thing. Plastic is - well plastic. Live plants also use the nitrate and all the gunk that falls to the bottom of the tank as well as providing "inbetween meal snacks" for many fish, and I truly believe that fish prefer live plants.
Like alien and gadazobe said the real thing is well the real thing and plastic is well plastic. The real plants are good biological filters like said. They also give off o2 which aint a big deal but they get rid of nitrite. ;) Also I'm not sure wether fish would exactly like playing in plastic plants. I'm sure they would prefer the real thing.
:fish: I'm a big fan of living AND fake plants. Which is better for each fish keeper depends on the fish being kept.

Some fish just aren't going to leave the live plants alone, so fake plants are the better option.
Of course, some people are plant keepers, and the fish are merely an afterthought. :drink:
Also many aquarists prefer fake plants because they can't afford a light...but for us serious keepers :D
rosierabbit said:
[: ! Plastic are easier to care for and cheaper :nod: .
don't think so i got my plants (real) from my lfs cost me £10 for any six plants try buying 6 fake plants for £10
focus said:
rosierabbit said:
[: ! Plastic are easier to care for and cheaper :nod: .
don't think so i got my plants (real) from my lfs cost me £10 for any six plants try buying 6 fake plants for £10
I still think you were ripped off. Are you aware of Java Plants the online aquatic plant shop? They do huge bunches of plants for under £7.

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