Fake Plants


Fish Herder
Dec 1, 2004
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I recently just got a 55 gallon tank and I don't want to be spending more money on lights at the moment so I'm wondering is there any place online in the USA that you can buy fake plants that look pretty good.
you could also go for a planted tank with low light plants. Also, try some of those aponogeton bulbs from petco or something. I only have a 15w over my 20g (.75wpg) and the bulbs are growing great. There's some really neat low-light tanks out there using java fern, moss, and anubias. Just be sure to get some good pieces of driftwood to anchor the plants if you choose. Moreover, I was at a lfs the other day and saw a small tank (10g maybe) with a big rectangle-shaped trunk-like piece of driftwood that took up alot of space in the tank. The driftwood had the fern, anubias, and moss anchored all over and it looked really great. Combine that with some rock-sculptures and other plants (no harm in seeing if they'll survive) in your 55 and you would probably have a great looking tank.

I don't think the ability to grow plants is strictly governed by watts per gallon. Maybe you have say, 40 to 60 watts over your 55g? That's kindof alot of light already, perhaps even enough to grow more than just the *low light plants*. Case in point, you could have 500watts over a 500gallon tank. Even though there's only 1wpg, you should be able to grow most plants. Besides, there's going to be 55 watts over my 20g and with that I'll be able to grow any but the most demanding plants.
Anyone have any suggestions on lighting for a 55 gallon tank that won't cost me a lot? Trying to fill up the tank with fake plants is more expensive anyway.
For fake plants, you can go to a place like Wal-Mart or Michaels and buy some fake plants from the floral department. Just make sure they're not scented or glittered or some silly thing like that :p

As far as lighting the tank - go to someplace like Menard's or Home Depot and get some shop lights - they're much cheaper than buying "real" tank lights.

aka Married Lizard :wub:
they sell some plant packages on aquabid and ebay...real and fake ones...that might be worth looking into...
I think I may just get some aquarium bulbs from Home Depot and get some low light plants and see if they don't die.. Then I'll go from there.
Well I ended up going to home depot and and got a shop light and two 48" Sunlight tubes for $25. Great price. :) The color temperature was within the right range and it was full sprectrum too. It perfectly fits on top of the aquarium.

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