Fake Plants!


Fish Crazy
Jan 17, 2010
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hi all,
is there such a thing as fake plants that look good?
i have never looked at fake plants and have never done well with real plants.
my tank i crying out for something that is not rock or drift wood on the decorations front.
I'd recommend real plants but if your not known for your green thumb then fake plants can work. I've noticed LFS can have nice fake plants that are styled after real plants. I don't like walmart or petsmart fakes they're multicolor bs atleast the LFS plastics are greens that look like real greens.
There's a brand called Sydeco (google it) that look really nice.
i would love real plants and have tried and failed every time.i have used t5 lighting,easy carbo,fertilizers,some root balls things.
have not tried co2 but dont want to go that route,also i have a little young pleco that no doubt when older/bigger will do lights out gardening and eat them an inch above sand.
thanks for that sophie those look great on google,might go my lfs tomorrow and see if they sell them so i can see them if not i will buy some on line as sure once alge grows on them it will blend them in some.thanks you
Yeah thats the same brand they sell here. See if theres any real plants that they sell at ur store that are low light low work plants. I just use seachem flourish and a cheap led hood from walmart and a airstone which sits on the floor so i figure co2 sinks in a room maybe it adds some to the water. but my plants grow great my dad uses cheap t5 floros and his grow great too.
If you want a more realistic looking fake plant try to find the silk ones rather than plastic, they will.move more naturally with the water and generally look better I think. There are some very easy to grow natural plants though; any anubias sp. Java moss, java fern, most crypts, amazon swords, and I'm sure a lot more I can think of atm.
Here's my fake planted tank.  i got my plants at Petsmart and it looks pretty good.  I think they have even better stuff. This here is what my mom got and she knows nothing about what to look for. :p  

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