Fish Gatherer
will do.
I can send you a cheque for £15 for the lot l dont need them just yet so let the cheque clear and get ya self sorted then when you have everything in order tell me to expect a prezi 4 my new fish tank which has yet to come thanks Trevsensible offers on these, need to go within the next few days really, no sensible offer around £20 (inc. p+p) will be refused.
Think l will leave it, thanks, Trevi don't want a cheque and £20 inc p+p is less than half what was payed for them only a couple of months ago so no i won't take £15 inc p+p, id probably take £15 plus p+p which would be close to £20 anyway.
but no cheques no.
and what do you meen by 'sort your self out'? they are ready to go so i don't need to sort anything out.
if you want tham you can have them, if not then don't
Still not sold ya plastic plants, soz 4 not wanting to pay more but l saw some in a friends tank and they do look False. but good luck and no hard feelings,do you post on sales threads just for the crack or something? or do you just purposely want to annoy people?
Ref; Nice looking plastic plants. ( beauty is in the eye of the beholder )you haven't seen these plants! if you actually went on to the pictures thread you would see them, they aren't cheap, and of course they don't look as good as real plants otherwise everyone would have them.
anyway, no bother.
£15 including posting if anyone is interested.
l can go postal order.how ever you like