Fahaka Puffer

I would feed him three times a week with a few prawns (maby two) until he gets to around 6", then up it to three prawns untill he is 12", then feed him twice a week with 5 prawns at a time. When he is an adult, he will need feeding twice a week with 7 prawns a time. This is a very approxomate guide, you may need to change it for the puffer. If it is very active, feed it more, if its inactive (as they usually are) feed it a bit less.
From all the reports I have heared from experts, fahakas are lurkers, and will act approprietly and inactively in the aquarium. However, for such an intelligent specie, there is some variation in the hunting techniques employed.

Again, i will disagree with the "lurker" rumour with regards to this puffer. I ikeep one, and while he does "rest" on the sand, by far and large, he isn't a lurker, and this is told in the body shape as well. The activity varies between individuals of course, but a T.lineatus is an active, hunting puffer.

And I've got to say, those are some pretty precise descriptions of exactly how much one should eat...
Agree fully with Fella. His advice is spot on. I feed mine once to twice a week.
These are hunters and not lurkers. Just because that you may fine one that is inactive it doesn't alter the way they find food in the wild and therefore the way they are classified.

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