Fab Vid On U Tube

I like the eel stealing the spot like from the puffer! nice vid and nice store
i wish the any of the four big als around me looked like that, there is one good one and that is in oakville

all big als are individually owned, and some are much much much better than others. that shows some of

big als best things, if i took a video of the big als around me everyone here you guys would be disgusted.

that is a very nice big als, where is that one located?
O dear god, now you all have seen our store......

I really think that one is from the store here in Edmonton. Question for all the Cannucks that shop at Big AL's, does everyone have a shark tank?

ANd yes it is overcrowed spacey, cause they are for sale and they only have a handful of saltwater tanks.

Too bad they didn't show the rays that are in with the X-Back arrow (THAT ARE IN A 180 GALLON AND BREEDING!!!),
I have one of their babies and he is beautiful.

Anyways enough yabbering, that is what we get over here............. :nod:
yes they all have it

and im pretty sure thursday nights at like 7-8 they have live shark feedings

The Kennedy Road Store in Scarborough doesnt have one anymore :sad:

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