Eye Less Fish!


New Member
Nov 13, 2005
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Hull, England
I bought 2 3" pangassius cats yesterday and within an hour they were both swimming around with no eyes!
I presume they were eaten by another fish has anyone else had this happen?
What tankmates are in the tank with them and what are your water stats at? Are there any sharp and/or pointy objects in your tank?

And are you aware of the fact that the fish you have bought can reach the 52" mark and arent really suitable for any home aquarium because of this (unless you'll go for an absolutely massive one in a fish house perhaps)?
Have look at this website to see some adult pictures:
Pangasius catfish
I have a pike Cichlid which was left with just one eye after a run in with a siamese tiger fish and 2 peacock bass which one is totally blind and the other has just one functioning eye after the catfish they were kept with at the lfs kept trying to swallow them and damaged their eyes with its teeth. Believe it or not none of the fish seem troubled by their lack of sight and all still feed well despite their afflictions.
Years ago i bought a goldfish with one eye missing - it looked pretty much like it had started out like that. it never had a problem with food or whatever, either.
However, i'd be concerned about how they lost them, particularly as it sounds like you're sure they were OK before thye went into their new tank - I'd imagine, as already suggested, they were attacked by something else.

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