eye cloud


New Member
Jan 12, 2003
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dicus had small white spot on it yesterday,use melafix and last night large discus has eye cloud,tested water today ph 6.2,nitrite 0,nitrate 10.0,ammonia between 4.to8.,temp 82,tank 46 gal and it up 8 weeks eheim pro 2026 filter,underground filter with 2 power heads hagen 301,change 10 gal water today and runing diaton filter now other fish seems to be doing fine useing ro water in tank ,use ammonia lock yesterday ,have been having high level of ammonia 2 weeks ago change 5 gal,then next day change 15 gal and ammonia level didnt change notice a lot fungus type in the gravel .
what to do next wonder if melafix cause the eye cloud .
no its not enlarge just a film over eyes useing melafix for now it seems like it wants to come off
Cloudy eye is usually caused by poor water quality. And for discus, that could mean the slightest amount of any impurities.

Melafix should help though :)

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