Extremely Cold Water Fish?


Fish Crazy
Nov 19, 2010
Reaction score
Herts, UK
Hey all. Not sure if i'm just being way off the chart here,
But as we're all aware you can keep the hotter marine & tropical fish, Plus the standard cold water fish

But just wondering can you keep anything in subzero temperatures? You know where there is constant snow & ice!
For example there is fish swimming in seas in places like the Arctic or Alaska, etc.
Has anyone come across anything that possible to keep on that side of things? Or any knowledge on it?

A curious!

I'm not aware of and these are some probable reasons (although I am sure there are plenty more!)

To chill a tank to those low temps in a stanrad household (20c-ish) would require considerable cooling power and high energy consumption.

Keeping a tank that cold will surely mean excessive condensation or 'fogging' on the external side of the glass.....hence making viewing almost impossible.
killer whales?

I know not fish :p
killer whales! lol.. but they have glass you can see through at sea world :D

found this, not quite fish but



Perhaps you are interested in sea animals, or want to enjoy see Clionidae (sea angels) from the close. This time is not necessary to go to the public aquarium for viewing, you can even create a farm (breeding) Clionidae in your own home with Genesys World, Tokyo.
Qulio Fish Tank containing water conditions in the Antarctic and sub-Antarctic where Clionidae found can even set the temperature of the quality of the tank. Even some of the alarm if the temperature increased above accepted level.
Qulio Fish Tank, which also offers a seven-color LED interior lighting systems that can make the sea angels can be easier to see.
This tank has a price of 89,250 YEN, and I think without Clionidae.

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