Extra Lights In Trigon 190


Oct 6, 2003
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anyone added xtra lights to a trigon 190?
currently only got the juwel standard light bar with * 60cm 18/20w bulbs
want more wattage though... can it be done? how easy? & cheap?

anyone added xtra lights to a trigon 190?
currently only got the juwel standard light bar with * 60cm 18/20w bulbs
want more wattage though... can it be done? how easy? & cheap?


Hi you can change the normal light unit for a ibar made by arcadia i think, its about £80-£90 then you can run 2*24w T5's, I also added a compact T5 to the front flap of the lid with a reflector, so yup it is possible.
thanks for that
swapping the current light bar for a t5 ibar is expensive with a small increase in wattage maybe 10watts increase?
but adding a compact t5 to one of the covers could add 36watts (giving more like 70 watts in total - better for plants??

these are listed as fiting to existing hoods not stand alone units does that mean they can be screwed into either the front or rear access flap on my trigon??
have you also thought about swapping the juwel light tubes for better ones?? i just changed my 2 25watt tubes to 1 arcadia freshwater and 1 interpet tru plus , even though the wattage hasn't changed the plants are doing a lot better , plus the tank looks so much better , i was amazed at the improvement in the colours of the fish and the greens of the plants
already have 'better' tubes than the riginals, and occasionally stick an actinic blue in depending on my mood :)
one though about adding an extra light bar is i can have a blue tube on all the time whilst still increasing my total wattage, which as i am now making an effort to get some decent plant growth may be required

although the trigon is actually a decent volume tank, because of its shape you are limited in the lighting to those of what you would expect for a smaller standard shape tank - not sure what effect the shape has on the overal wattage of lights for plants...

guess we'll see how they grow - cant afford new hardware till february at earliest anyway.. already spent too much on the tank for myself for christmas :)
I used a small compact T5 from arcadia I think on my front flap, looking at the ones in your link look pretty good.
I used a small compact T5 from arcadia I think on my front flap, looking at the ones in your link look pretty good.

is that one of the arcadia units where the controller sits outside and the tube connector is fixed to the hood?
how did you fix it?
I used a small compact T5 from arcadia I think on my front flap, looking at the ones in your link look pretty good.

is that one of the arcadia units where the controller sits outside and the tube connector is fixed to the hood?
how did you fix it?

I drilled 2 holes in the front flap, I then used 2 small screws and nuts which basically holds the reflector to the lid and the tube just slots into the clip the starter unit I used to just rest on a shelf in the cabinet.
if you buy those plastic light clips and fix the 2 together so you have a double C back to back--> ][ (hope that makes sense)

clip 1 onto the original light tube and clip your extra bulb onto the other side.

you can fit a 30" tube in the front of the 190, i have done it myself and the diffrence is amazing.
if you buy those plastic light clips and fix the 2 together so you have a double C back to back--> ][ (hope that makes sense)

clip 1 onto the original light tube and clip your extra bulb onto the other side.

you can fit a 30" tube in the front of the 190, i have done it myself and the diffrence is amazing.
pure genius :)
let us know how it goes :good:

"if you buy those plastic light clips and fix the 2 together so you have a double C back to back--> ][ (hope that makes sense)

clip 1 onto the original light tube and clip your extra bulb onto the other side."

you can fit a 30" tube in the front of the 190, i have done it myself and the diffrence is amazing.

Sounds a good idea any chance of piccys.....

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