External Location

I watched clip on Youtube not long ago, the guy seemed very knowledgeable in what he was doing but one thing he did say was if you put the inlet very close to the outlet, basically you are only filtering a small amount of water.
He was saying the water coming in would be sucked out again very quickly so it needs to circulate, so have the pipes far apart and if possible have the outlet sending the water in a circular motion so it goes round the tank before it gets to the inlet again.

Exactly why I would put a wave maker directly under/next to the inlet stream. I also have one to put at the other end of the tank to circulate water back to the out flow.

I currently have 2-AC 50's and a Fluval C3 on the tank. I'm looking for something to consolidate all into one and it seems a canister is the way to go. I'm not too crazy about the size of the 110. I do love the easiness of cleaning the AC's but not so much the frequency they need it. Having the ability to take all that media and put it into one place and clean up the inside of the tank is what's driving me. I plan on using for other smaller tanks so it's a good time to do it.


the two AC-50s by themselves should be way more than enough for 55gal, personally i would never recommend a canister filter on any tank under 100 gallons, no need for it, but your decision

Huh? Where did you hear that anything under 100G doesn't necessarily need a canister filter? Especially if the OP is stocking mbuna, or any cichlids. plecs, etc. for that matter? I also have a 55 USG, and run two externals.
Electric- I've heard of people using externals on 20gal tanks. I do think smaller tanks like 20gal don't necessary need an external to do a complete job. I do think that larger tanks can benefit from added media capacity that only a canister can give. Otherwise, you end up like me with 3 HOB's on a 55gal to get enough filtration.

Yeah, I don't really understand Mikey1's idea that you don't need a canister on anything under 100G, but to each their own I guess? You can't "over-filter." You can have to much flow which could cause an issue, but not over-filter.
Agreed w/ over-filtering!! I need it!!!

I too don't understand why you "don't need a canister on anything under 100 gallons".... I would like to see/hear the reasons though.

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