External "in-Line" Heaters


Fish Fanatic
Apr 5, 2011
Reaction score
South Lanarkshire, Scotland
Hi guys,

My dad came to visit today to see my new tank.

Cutting a long story short, he told me had i considered an external heater, as he couldn't get his temperature to regulate with an internal, plus they can look pretty ugly (i don't like a lot of equipment in my tank).

I've been searching for places that sell them but with little success.

I know they attach to the inlet pipe of the external filter but that's it.

Any further info would be great!! :)
The Hydor ETH heaters are the genuine and best external heaters, but there are also some cheap copies sometimes available on ebay,

Just had a quick search for the Hydor ones and they seem to be out of stock at all of the big online aquatic stores i have tried

edit: only one i can find
I have been using a couple of the Hydor inlines for a number of years now and they work great. Try and find them if you can as you wont regret it.
The Hydor ETH heaters are the genuine and best external heaters, but there are also some cheap copies sometimes available on ebay,

Just had a quick search for the Hydor ones and they seem to be out of stock at all of the big online aquatic stores i have tried

edit: only one i can find

Ebay has some in stock - I ordered a 300W one last week, and there were various sellers with them.
No stock of the 300W ones (fairly common scenario, I did a fair bit of searching for them) and by the time you've factored in P&P they're all around the same price mark.
I use the 200W Hydor and remember that they come in two models for two different width hoses (I think only the 200W ones are like this.) It's been a great heater so far (3 years or so) and I always treat it very gently when I remove the whole hose apparatus for cleaning because someone mentioned back before I ever got one that the inside is glass and one can forget that because it is not visible.

Yes, this is correct. You dose at the same 24-hour mark each day (assuming ammonia has dropped to zero ppm any time within the previous 24 hours of course) but then you begin to do this addditional testing (nitrite(NO2) being sometimes the only test you really need except maybe pH) at around the 12 hour mark (12 hours after dosing) and this gives you a new finer-tuned measure of the N-bac colony reaching its final more robust maturity. As you get to the very end you want to watch ammonia at 12 hours also as sometimes it backtracks a bit and it's nice to be sure your ammonia dosing is right up there at 4-5ppm.

When you finally get double-zeros (zero ppm ammonia and zero ppm nitrite at 12 hours) that's the start of a week of verifying that it can repeat this every day. If it blips and fails then that just restarts your qualifying week. This method, while it sounds excessive, has resulted in a very solid record of no problems after fish are added.


When I bought mine I was talking to 123, Swell and Charterhouse and they were able to tell me when a new shipment was coming in so it might be worth a phone call or two.

+1 for the Hydor ETH 300W. Been running one for ages and really regulates the water temp.... :good:

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