Well, first, 'priming' a filter is the action of filling the canister and in-out tubing with water prior to turning the unit on, so that when the impellor kicks in it's not just sucking on air and damaging itself. Most filters have a self-priming or easy-priming method, the Tetratec for example have a large button that you depress a few times and the unit fills with water.
I don't quite follow what you mean by 'what goes into the water', but a canister filter draws water out of the tank via one tube, the 'inlet' (i.e. into the canister) via a tube that goes into the tank and has a mesh on the end to avoid sucking up fish, then using the impellor mentioned it draws the water through several different filter mediums, usually starting with large ceramic rings to capture large dirt particles, a kind of foam that also traps dirt, a biological nest of bacteria, usually living in 'bio-balls', then finally through fine floss for polishing the water. The larger filters may use any of these more than once. Also they have an optional carbon package that removes chemical impurities, but this isn't always needed.
Finally the water is pumped back into the tank via either a simple nozzle or a spraybar (as is the case with Tetratec filters)
And finally, I would perhaps advise the EX700, the 1200 may be a little too powerful for the tank you have in mind, the 700 is designed to work on tanks between 100 and 250 litres.
I would recommend the Tetratec anyway, I have a 600 and it's great.
I'll try and post a picture of the filter working if I can find one.