External Filter Recommendations.


New Member
Oct 24, 2009
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I have a 3ft jewel tank with malawi cichlids in it and the jewel internal filter that came with the tank, last night I was doimg my water change and I noticed the filter had stopped working. Dont know how long it had been like this but must not have been too long as the water wasn`t cloudy or mirky but I took the filter apart and rinsed it and when put back together it worked again but was looking to maybe upgrade to an external.
I had an eheim 2215 alot of years ago and it seemed pretty good but wanted to know what else could I get?
Are the external Fluval any good?
I also seen one with UV light on ebay for about £70, would that be ok for a malawi tank?
Thanks Steecy
Those on Ebay with the internal uv light are absolutely utterly fantastic. I bought one for my coldwater tank and it cleared the water within 24 hours. They are really easy to use and the supplier on Ebay keeps all the spares for them to.

I have never kept Malawi so cant comment on that but the filter is excellent and if it can keep messy coldwater fish clean I am sure it would do the job for malawi.
they are brilliant, and thats not a bad price, and your right if it works for goldfish then trops are easy,

have you got a link for this filter
This is the one I bought, going to swap all my filters for this evenutally.

This is the one I bought, going to swap all my filters for this evenutally.


Yeah star, thats the one I was looking at on ebay, can anyone confirm if these will be ok in a cichlid tank?
This is the one I bought, going to swap all my filters for this evenutally.


Yeah star, thats the one I was looking at on ebay, can anyone confirm if these will be ok in a cichlid tank?
Not sure if the uv light will have detremental affect on algae growth in the tank which the malawis require and feed on.
Not sure if the uv light will have detremental affect on algae growth in the tank which the malawis require and feed on.

Actually the algae in our tanks isn't very nutritious and really only keeps them busy which isn't necessarily a bad thing but not a requirement.
the filters i would recommend is anything ehiem to be honest these are the only external filters i trust in my tank after killing 2 fluvals in 12 months (one of my current eheims has been running constantly for over 18 months with out any issues whatso ever and is very quiet unlike some)
eheim on ebay or
this on ebay too
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Thanks for the advice phil I`m steering towards the eheim myself after having one a fair few years ago but just wanted to know peoples opinion on the others before I bought one, Thanks for the links too.
go for an eheim :)

I have a few and they are top notch.

Just ordered a 2217 classic for my smaller tank, not sure it will be the same quality as the professional series i have, but it gets good reviews.

Charterhouse do good deals on filters and really good deals on media. You also get 10% off filter accessories if you buy a filter from them

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