External Filter Questions!


Fish Crazy
Jan 24, 2011
Reaction score
Arbroath, Scotland
I've just purchased and attempted to set up this, I have set up all the pipes the tubing, everything but the instructions are incredibly vague and as this is my first external filter I am finding it difficult to set up. What I am specifically having problems with is draining any air out of the system once fully set up and switched on. It works but as there is air in the canister it is struggling to filter my water. In other words the current is not strong enough and the water comes out of the spray-bar as a trickle. What is the easiest way to get the air out and to get one solid body of water flowing through?

Another related question is, when I go to prime it the instructions tell me "press the prime button as far down as it will allow you and as many times as necessary until the output hose has filled with water."

When it says filled, does it mean until there is some water in it or, until the pipe is full the whole way through?

I apologise if these questions appear stupid but I really am struggling to set it up at the moment.

Any questions or comments are welcome.

Many filters can be easily primed by simply shutting them off for a minute or less and then plugging them back in. If you have a way to manually prime the filter, prime it until the return hose is full of water, all the way back into the tank. You always do that with the filter shut off. One of the easiest ways to completely fill most filters is to tilt them this way and that so that the bubbles in the filter end up in the return hose and simply get pushed back into the tank through that return hose.
A low capacity flow is something I have only had happen once. What I ended up finding, after a few months of investigation, was that the inlet hose was kinking as I pushed the filter back under the tank. When I had it out for cleaning, it would work great but as it moved back to its permanent home that inlet hose got a pinch in it and the flow went to almost nothing. I turned out I had cut the hose only an inch or two too long but that was enough to really impact the performance.

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