Fish Crazy
I've got a AquaOne Aquis 1200 that came with my 200L tank I recently purchased (second hand). This is the first time I've used an external filter so I'm unsure of how to set it up. I haven't looked at it properly yet (too excited over the fact I have two light switches and four light tubes!) but I'm curious as to how I go about seeding the filter media. I was going to purchase all new media so I know it's clean and safe, also so I know it won't need replacing anytime soon. Do I just pop a piece of my mature filter media out of another tank into the canister (a whereabouts would be great)? If so, how much do I need and does it need to be a particular kind/shape?
I would prefer this method to a 'fishless cycle' if I can get away with it. I will also be purchasing an API test kit (liquid test) before I put any fish in the tank to ensure it's safe. I've never used one before, although I'm guessing they aren't too difficult. If I used matured media and not add any ammonia, will the levels of all nasties show up accurately or are they just going to give me a reading of 0 as there is no bacteria activity happening anyways?
I hope all that makes sense. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I would prefer this method to a 'fishless cycle' if I can get away with it. I will also be purchasing an API test kit (liquid test) before I put any fish in the tank to ensure it's safe. I've never used one before, although I'm guessing they aren't too difficult. If I used matured media and not add any ammonia, will the levels of all nasties show up accurately or are they just going to give me a reading of 0 as there is no bacteria activity happening anyways?
I hope all that makes sense. Any help would be greatly appreciated.