External Filter Help


Fish Crazy
Apr 30, 2011
Reaction score
Queensland, Australia
I've got a AquaOne Aquis 1200 that came with my 200L tank I recently purchased (second hand). This is the first time I've used an external filter so I'm unsure of how to set it up. I haven't looked at it properly yet (too excited over the fact I have two light switches and four light tubes!) but I'm curious as to how I go about seeding the filter media. I was going to purchase all new media so I know it's clean and safe, also so I know it won't need replacing anytime soon. Do I just pop a piece of my mature filter media out of another tank into the canister (a whereabouts would be great)? If so, how much do I need and does it need to be a particular kind/shape?

I would prefer this method to a 'fishless cycle' if I can get away with it. I will also be purchasing an API test kit (liquid test) before I put any fish in the tank to ensure it's safe. I've never used one before, although I'm guessing they aren't too difficult. If I used matured media and not add any ammonia, will the levels of all nasties show up accurately or are they just going to give me a reading of 0 as there is no bacteria activity happening anyways?

I hope all that makes sense. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
No need for new filter media mate. Just rinse really well under the tap. Media only needs replacing when it is dropping to bits. You could replace any filter wool though if there is any, if not then add some! Re-using the media will save you small fortune!

As for seeding, i would use as much mature media as you can without harming your current tank.Just place it in one of the trays/baskets in you new filter. You could also rinse your media in the water of the new tank so the new filter sucks it all up, this couple with it being seeded should help you out a hell of alot. Once you have good stats then you are good to go.

Oh, and LOL @ the light switches. Haha!
Thanks for the help! Can't wait to get it up and running & I've convinced my mum to let me set it up in the living room now I won't be moving for another 4-5mnths. Hopefully will be giving it a good clean up next weekend, attach a black bg & start the water process. Even better, my lfs has done some recent renovations & expansion with an opening day for it all on saturday next week...Im pretty sure my savings is going to cope a kick in the guts ;)

And yes, the light fascination is sad :p I'm used to flicking one switch and getting one colour. I'm fascinated by the fact I flick one switch & get white & blue light, then flick another & get white & pink!! I'm like a kid at Christmas with a new toy.

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