External Cannister Filter. Help, It Wont Fit!


New Member
Jan 6, 2008
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Just bought a Fluval Roma 90 Aquarium and matching cabinet and Tetratec 600 EX filter.
Have assembled the tank and cabinet and found that the filter doesnt fit inside the cabinet.
Has anyone got any advice with a Roma 90 and external filter and modifications to the cabinet to allow it to fit?
simple if it doesnt fit it doesnt fit you cant go cutting the cabnet the tank may fall off
Just bought a Fluval Roma 90 Aquarium and matching cabinet and Tetratec 600 EX filter.
Have assembled the tank and cabinet and found that the filter doesnt fit inside the cabinet.
Has anyone got any advice with a Roma 90 and external filter and modifications to the cabinet to allow it to fit?

does the cabinet have a back in it?

If not you could do what I did with our 304... (and will do again when my new ex700's get here)

Pull the tank away from the wall a bit - enough to allof the taps to pass up into the gap between the tan and the wall.

fingers crossed you can do that...
Yeah, the typical tank stand isn't made out of very sturdy stuff but is put together in such a way that it has quite a bit of strength. If you start cutting bits out you could badly weaken it.

What is the back of the cabinet like and how much space do you need to get the canister filter to fit? If the back of the stand is just the thin backing panels you tack on then you could bring the cabinet forward a bit, leave the back off and have the pipes outside the back of the cabinet.

Edit: Smith beat me too it :)

Other then that its either getting a different filter that will fit or having the filter outside the cabinet (maybe get a small cupboard it will fit in to sit next to the tank?)
You need the following:

Seriously, how doesn't it fit? i.e. height, width, depth?
hi mate , know someone with the roma 90 , personally i would take the EX600 back if the shop is ok with it and swap it for a Fluval 105 / 205. These filters will fit in the cabinet.

you really dont want to start modifying and pauly what are them tools for :unsure:

Hope this helps a bit

Thanks all for your posts. I wont be cutting the cabinet, thats for sure!
The back of the cabinet is the same as the front so no luck there, i might get a small unit to put it in next to the tank.
I am quite reluctant to get rid of the filter as it has had good reviews.
This is my first external filter setup, my previous was a juwel rekord 70 setup with the inbuilt filter so i didnt even think this would be an issue!

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