Experts wanted

judcoynehunter said:
they only show there marble coloration when feeding or fighting absolutly beuatifl oscars
I'm not sure what you mean. :dunno:
If you are talking about Sereena, she's this color all of the time. I just took this pic.


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jamesward76 said:
judcoynehunter said:
they only show there marble coloration when feeding or fighting absolutly beuatifl oscars
I'm not sure what you mean. :dunno:
If you are talking about Sereena, she's this color all of the time. I just took this pic.
mine were compleatly diffrent to that looked the same when young but not on the evidence of that pic :no:
the first pic you posted looked like the ones i had that were wild (when they were young ) but the close up one you just took looks nothing like them sorry for wasting your time :crazy:
Sky, those photos were too cute and F U N N Y.....whew!!! :rofl:

I wish I had a beautiful Oscar like you lucky fellas do! :-(
Thanks, after my fish out growthis tank "or kill each other according to Nix." I want to get a few Malawi Eyebitters.

Are you trying to make me look like the bad guy here? If not My Bad

Plus you did'nt even quote me, but made it look like my quote :huh:

Well.. We'll just wait to see what happens (the Fish)
My fault Nix. I wasn't trying to make you look like a bad guy or anything like that. We were exchanging views in three different posts, so I coudn't quote you. In one reply you said that the jacks would kill each other, and the Jag would go crazy and kill everyone ect. This is on page 2 of this message board. I think the topic of my post was "Cluster of cichlids, or cichlid crazy". As a matter of fact, most people now a days would agree with you. But I'm from Wash.D.C. and we have the worst water in the country. When I was a kid my mom put a cichlid tank in my room because I was scared of the dark. It was a 10gal with 2 oscars and a red devil in it. This was long before the internet, and those fish lived for years in tap water. Our answer to everything was rinse the gravel, and it worked. All my life I've owned some sort of cichlid. But then came the information age, and now you have to cycle a tank for half a year before you can put a fish in, it's impossible for some species to live with others, hell I even bought a hospitol tank because 75gal was too exspensive to treat for desease,"it was so much cheaper to just rinse the gravel". I'm wondering if people try different things. Fail, and learn from it or are they just agreeing with you because they heard the same thing somewere else.
The first Oscar look almost like a Colombian Oscar! Very nice fish.
EX-AmP said:
im a little lost to where youre getting at. :huh:
You would have had to follow me and Nix through 3 different posts to understand my reply.
To sum it up, Nix believes that the number of fish, and species I have in my tank are unhealthy. So we have been debating back and forth for about 2 days, and I can truely say I'm learning a lot. Sorry for the confusion, but you had to be there.
judcoynehunter said:
we all learn from mistakes that we make dontwe????
What I was trying to say was, it's not like anyone tries there own thing. If your lps or a forum says some fish can't live together, we don't try. We just listen to what they say and pass it on to the next. I have yet to hear some one say "I had a similar set up and it didn't work.

As far as making mistakes. I didn't mean life mistakes "it's not that serious".
Example: I had 2 Bala sharks in my tank that wouldn't let me see them eat. So I over fed them, the nitrites & nitrates rose too high and they died. Trial & error
my oscar looked like that when i brought it as well, it didnt have color in it, but my lfs always has them, there reallt small and yet to have color, he now looks like this.


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