Expert Opinion Required


Fish Fanatic
Nov 13, 2005
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To the experts,

After 12 months of moving to Saltwater from freshwater, to celebrate the aniversary (aint I sad), i thought it would be useful to hear comments on my tank from the experts :D . The one thing you do not get back from reading all the text books is feedback, so here it goes, please have a look at the image and let me know your thoughts, good or bad, I dont care but do value the feedback. One other thing is for sure, I will never go back to freshwater, there is just so much to look at in the tank 8)

Many Thanks in advance.

First thing i can say is the tank looks great :D


You really shouldn't be keeping a yellow and regal tang in that tank. No tangs whatsoever in a nano i'm afraid :( I'm suprised you haven't run into any problems yet but a tang in a nano is a timebomb.

I'd suggest you try and get them into much bigger tanks ASAP

Tank looks good though :thumbs:
I've got to agree with regard to the tangs. Other than that it's looking good. Adding a few more corals would make it look even better.
ahh....looks great, a few more corals and it will be amazing! I hope my tank will look as good as yours.
To be a broken record, the tangs should go! :p But, other than that, LOVELY aquascaping. As I say, your always content with someone elses aquascape, but never your own! :lol: And the Macro is ace! Cant wait to I start getting some Macro growing! Can we have some system specs? :D (PS Take the floating magnet out before the Algal scraper Nazis find out) ;)
I agree, try and get those tangs out but other than that the tank looks really healthy. You've clearly done a great job :D
Skifletch, Mr Miagi, shafty, jemram & sf05

Many many thanks for the replies and the comments have really made all the hard work worth while. I've tried to keep the tank simple, Carib sand, fiji live rock, internal deltec skimmer, 2 hydor equip 200 heater pumps, 3 maxi jet powerheads, and 4 T5 (2 white 2 artinic). I had a spare cannister filter which I've filled with liverock rubble but I think the key has been a religous water change (25 %) every 2 weeks using ro water.

Thanks for the message over the tangs, sort of got carried away when I setup originally, especially as the book I setup the tank from (the marine aquarium mini encyclopedia) had a yellow tang in the tank they setup :drool: . Anyhow hopefully I can exchange them for some corals down the lfs.

Just out of curiosity, what sort of problems would I be looking at if I hadnt had the advice from this post.?

Once again many thanks :look:
You might have had stressed fish,leading to disease, which could carry over to others. :nod:
Just to add to what Mr. Miagi said, longterm the tangs could get stressed, develop ich, and perish. When they're really small its an OK tank size, but they get way too big pretty quickly. I advise people to not stock even baby tangs cause they're hard to catch sometimes and who really wants to part with a fish once they have it, regardless of how much they say they will.
i'm no expert but that tank looks beautiful :wub: really healthy and colourful :D
how big is it sorry to ask again? and also its such a shame the tangs have to go :'( theyare so beautiful

Thanks for the comments,

Rhsiboy, the tank is just short of 32 UK gallons. I'm not sure what that equals in US gallons.


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