Experiences Of Keeping Guppys With Bettas Please!


Fish Crazy
Jan 6, 2012
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So i currently have 2 male guppies. I did have 3 but re-homed 1 as he seemed to be getting picked on and his tail was getting ragged.

I would love another male betta but have heard that guppies and bettas don't go well together. I saw a betta the other day with a beautiful long tail fin and would love to get it but dunno if i dare with my guppies

Has anybody kept guppies and bettas together please?? Or had the same situation with guppies like me but had a betta with them too?? Thanks
I've also heard it's a bad idea. The Betta might think it's competition and kill the guppies. Are your guppies highly coloured with large finnage?
1 is a neon blue 1 so he's silver on his head and then deep blue on his fin and the other is charcoal with yellow and orange fins and there fins are about a cm. Was thinking about getting a hatchery and putting the betta in there till they get used to each other?
yeah. its not a good idea. mine only worked out with guppies that were a solid color, not a wide range of colors like that. he most likely will never get used to another "male" in his "territory"
Aww he was so beautiful too and he was in a really poor fish shop I wanted to rescue him lol
I have tried it before.... Only to have a stressed out betta with shredded fins and guppies that were hidin in a corner amongst the plants
its absolute bullcrap if someone says you definately cant have fighters and guppys together. its more that they are a risk. i had 5 male guppy and then added a fighter fish. it was fine for 2 weeks until i added 5 females. it then started to harrass them. but never was it being aggressive. just following them about. kinda making a half hearted effort to scare them away. 2 days later. back to normal. however my fighter is a bit lazy. some other fighters would defo kill guppys. like i said. its a risk not a dead certainty.
Usually doesn't work.
Bought one of my boys from a tank with guppies in it and added him to my main tank which had 1 fancy guppy, he was fine for a few months, then snapped and ripped him to shreds.

They may be okay for a while, but there's no guarantee it'll stay that way forever. :)
I know somebody who has a tank with a danio and some guppies and he had a male betta in and he died today from his tail being ripped up but they seem to think it was the danio as the guppies and betta never bothered each other?

I felt so bad for this betta the fish shop where he is was shocking most of the tanks said not for sale and he was a beauty he actually made me gasp out loud he had a really big tail! I wanted to take him home there and then.

I think I'm a magpie when it comes to brightly coloured fish as I was warned against getting guppies because I like bettas but I was drawn to their pretty colours lol
My betta shredded one guppy and killed another
you have a 600 litre tank and only have 5 fish in it! pahahaha yeah right. loser.
Would you like to see it? I keep large cichlids thank you. If you think anything smaller is acceptable for oscars, i dare you to tell that to an expert. As for the name calling, I will forgive it this once. Next you will be reported for flaming
its absolute bullcrap if someone says you definately cant have fighters and guppys together. its more that they are a risk. i had 5 male guppy and then added a fighter fish. it was fine for 2 weeks until i added 5 females. it then started to harrass them. but never was it being aggressive. just following them about. kinda making a half hearted effort to scare them away. 2 days later. back to normal. however my fighter is a bit lazy. some other fighters would defo kill guppys. like i said. its a risk not a dead certainty.
Most people would rather not risk their fish getting hurt just because it might work. Most of the time it doesn't. After 2 weeks you had problems? That's about right. They established territory.
I had a betta in with guppies once. It ignored them and every other fish, he was good as gold. Then he was shredded to death by the guppies.
I have managed it before with female guppies though not males and that was mainly because i completely forgot the guppies were in there! :blush:

I had 260L that was so heavily planted that despite having 80+ fish in it, i rarely saw them all lol. Was never really sure how many cories were in there but i put 2 male endlers and 4 female guppies in there purely to provide food for the kribensis pair :p

It was litterally like a hedge in a box...

But even then, the male fighter was a bit special, he lived in the cave with the male kribensis and kicked out the female. The female guppies were ok but the male endlers chased the fighter on the occasion that they saw him.

I think even if they do get on, its cruel because its creating an unhappy and stressfull environment for the fighter.

I also always found it was the fighter that caused the aggro (guppies just wanted food and females!) but the fighters being so over bred with poncy tails couldnt man up and finish the fight they started and ended up with nipped tails.

I would always refused to sell fighters and guppies to the same tank. No matter what the persons experience in keeping them together was.

I dont spend every day cleaning and feeding and caring for the fish just to sell them to an unhappy and possibly dangerous home.

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