Experienced Goldfish Keepers


Fish Gatherer
Aug 23, 2005
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St Albans, UK
have your goldfish been happier and healthier at higher or lower temperatures in the long term?

experienced keepers opinions. i'm curious.

I've always believed through my own research, although never had a tank large enough to keep them other than babysitting other peoples ponds, that they thrive best in the 65-70F range as long as this is kept stable, at warmer temperatures they will be more active BUT this is because it's sped up their metabolism so they poop more and eat more to keep up with that, in so doing have a shorter lifespan.

your thoughts?
I'd say cold for fancy goldfish (i've kept them in ponds all year round) and colder for the more robust goldfishes. but don't quote me on that though its just me and my freaky brand of fishkeeping
ive never really used a heater for gold fish i just make sure my house isnt drafty. i recomend about 16 degress or a bit lower they thrive at theat temperature as the cold can stunt there growth, make them slow. and to much heat will fluster them.
I have never been able to keep goldies in a tank, but some of my podies are going in to their third year. 4 of them are fantails around 6 or 7 inches in length.
i kept goldies inside at low tropical temps and it just makes them lively little buggers but i think more susceptible to diseases. ive kept them in normal room temps but theres got to be some fluctuations, and though they lived longer i just think they need to have seasonal fluctuations that ponds give.
also the space and filtration must be a huge part in how well your fish do. Each of my fish has roughly 100 gallons compared with maybe 10 in an aquarium.

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