Expensive Multiples


Apr 29, 2004
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Somewhere not far from Sheffield
Okay guys ive been looking for one of these critters for two years now and i finally got one :D , but i cant help thinking ive being scammed based on its price. The cats 6" long excluding the caudal fin and in perfect condition but he cost 26 pound! I also tracked down some juveniles at 1-1.5" at 7 pound each and this is a bit weighty for tiny fish......
I'm considering purchasing a second or even third Multiple of the same size but this particular store dosent have any more in and is uncertain as to when he could get more, but im not sure whether the price is right, so does anyone out there know of a good place to get HEALTHY specimens of this fish in the UK? and if so how much?
The last time I bought adult S. Multipunctatus was about 10 years ago and they were £30 each. I sold some juveniles to an LFS for £10 each a couple of years back. My LFS also says they are currently in short supply.

My info is obviously a bit out of date but the price sounds OK to me. They are great fish.
WE sell young for about $15 to $20 each in Australia and large breeders for$50 to $75, l think based on the price you paid for the large the price on the young is right, they can be slow growing at different stages.
If you are buying to breed l would suggest the more the better, our coloneys are 2 males and 6 females and we produce about 15 to 20 per week
Oddball said:
I also tracked down some juveniles at 1-1.5" at 7 pound each and this is a bit weighty for tiny fish
:X We just paid £35 for a 1.5 inch plec!
But he is an unusual chap, L200 - Lime green with yellow spots!
id say thats a good price, at my store we sold thyem when we had then, prolly about 1.5-2 inchs for about $45 each canadian, ours were wild caught though :\ but they bred like crazy.
Yep L200 are nice little fish indeed sir, but have u considered an L333? i do like em for a small pleco.

Hmmmm so some success at breeding S.multiple? well id appreciate some info mr slade if u have it, i may just consider this (pH etc and breeding size, method plz)

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