Expensive freshwater fish

i have heard that a rare fish which is expensive is discus fish. from what i was told they cost alot, die alot, requite constant attention or they die even quicker.

the fish dont sound like they are worth a dollar to me but apparently they are expensive for a breeding pair.
csr mel said:
i have heard that a rare fish which is expensive is discus fish. from what i was told they cost alot, die alot, requite constant attention or they die even quicker.
They die alot because species is spoiled. It has been inbreeded so much and used medicines that those fishes are very sensitives today. They don't tolerate almost anything! And they suffer from parasites often.

Some discus breeders don't keep any bred discus so more and they keep only wild discus. Wild discus are expensive but they tolerate much more and are healthier too than bred ones.

karrihug said:
a common pleco in a 2.5 foot tank? do you know how big a common pleco is going to get?

stevie_h said:
Yes i know now !!!!!

so, where is your larger tank then?
whats the big deal with them zebra pleco's there nice but u need a massive tank so i cant get them i was thinkin about the discus but heard about them being sensitive so i was not gona go for them.

Any other idea's guy there must be some i havent heard of before that look good????????
erm honistly i am a discus owner and i am never able to go on holiday, i REALLY do not recomend you get these, they require every minuit you have and i do a %50 water change EVERYDAY!!! they are amongst the hardest tropical fish to care for but are so rewarding but god damn expensive
Ok Astro thats my mind made up about them thx
what other rare fish would u recomend for me to get ??????
i think instead of spending the money on a rare fish you should consider bujying a bigger tank. those bala sharks really should be in a biiger group and a MUCH bigger tank.

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