Expensive freshwater fish


New Member
Jun 12, 2004
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Hay everyone
i have had my freshwater tank running for a while now but i was just wondering what sort of fish could i buy that would be rare and good looking. i was consedering building a marine tank but i want to know what i could get for the freshwater tank first???
i would consider anything up to £100
any sugestions will help
get a group of zebra plecs... that would set you back a tidy sum!

on a serious not though... the more expensive (and rare) the fish are - the more demanding they are... its not really something we can suggest as it is something that needs a lot of reaserch. you dont want to pay £100 for a fish only to have it die after a couple of weeks as the tank is not right for it - of its diet was wrong.
How big is your tank? Do you just want one expensive fish to go in it?

One fish that is really pretty and very hard to get hold of is a zebra pleco, might cost you more than £100 though depending on where you get it from :/ They don't get as big as the common plecs I don't think so won't end up as tankbusters ;)

EDIT: Here is a link to one profile, you might want to double check this though as not all sites can be trusted to give the right info...
Before you go jumping into expensive fish, you should be able to take care of cheap and hardy ones first. No offense, but you don't sound all that experienced.

What size tank? What temperature, pH, ammonia, nitrite and nitrate levels, substrate (gravel, sand, rock, etc), lighting, live plants if any... I'm forgetting some but just asking for what kind of expensive fish and not listing any parameters speaks volumes to me.
Teelie said:
Before you go jumping into expensive fish, you should be able to take care of cheap and hardy ones first. No offense, but you don't sound all that experienced.

What size tank? What temperature, pH, ammonia, nitrite and nitrate levels, substrate (gravel, sand, rock, etc), lighting, live plants if any... I'm forgetting some but just asking for what kind of expensive fish and not listing any parameters speaks volumes to me.
I'm right behind you ;)

as zebra plecs have been mentioned - they are a social fish and need to be kept in groups - not just one on its own... so 5 of them would cost anywhere upto £600.
I'm planning to get at least a pair if not a trio, though if they prefer groups of more, I might have to save up a bit more. :lol:
yep - I went for their cousins, the chocolate zebras untill the price comes down a bit I've seen them for £125 each and also £75... and many in between.

The annoying thing is that i could (a few months back) get them for £30 each if i was trade :X but i needed a pet shop licence and that is £450 + inspections :lol:
I've seen them as cheap as about $60 USD but that was a few months ago and now the cheapest I've seen is $80 and that's on a sale.
Teelie said:
I've seen them as cheap as about $60 USD but that was a few months ago and now the cheapest I've seen is $80 and that's on a sale.
I saw that sale link to - :sick: with envy!

$80 is about £43 :sick: :sick: :sick:
If I had the money, I would buy some but as it is, I don't have enough to get anything but feeders right now. :(
tank size, and readings as well as how long its been set-up and also how many years experience you have would be ever so helpful in giving you some ideas! :D
I think you should do some research on your own first. Find out what fish you like, then work your tank around the needs of your fish. Also, take into consideration the limitations your current tank has when choosing fish. When choosing fish, pay attention to the special needs of it. Then you should know what you need to change in your tank. If you still have unanswered questions then ask the forums.
i am only concidering what kinda of fish i should buy i will find out alot more info about the fish before i go and get one. i already have a common pleco so a zebra wouldnt be good for me. i have had the tank running for over 6 months now and the water paremeters are all ok
a common pleco in a 2.5 foot tank? do you know how big a common pleco is going to get? :eek:

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