Expectant Mother


Fish Crazy
Feb 20, 2006
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i just wanted to bring the good news, my favorite guppy has lost her appetite (she's usually a pig) and i put her in the breeder box. i think she's ready!! let's hope for the best!! :D
oh and another note: is it weird that she likes my hand? every time i stick my hand in the tank she's the only fish that will come up to me and will actually swim in my hand. i don't think i even need a net for this fish! i think she prefers my hand!! haha i love her! :wub:

another question about another one of my guppies... she's got this weird white stuff on her side. i know it's not ick because i've dealt with that before. it's like almost a puffy white blob on the side of her body. is this fungus? and if so how would i treat this? :unsure:
Thats bad, really bad.... i dont know what it is but something similar killed off all my guppies before, sorry <='(
sorry cant help you but breeder boxes dont help my guppies they stress them out no matte how big they are i just scoop out all the fry i can find and put them in breeder boxes and that way i only have the best and strongest fry in a sense
It is fungus, that cotton thing you see is layer of bacteria growing
so what would you suggest to treat this? i know it should be antifungal and perhaps with fin rot cure in it too because i believe they have that also... but what is safe to use with tetras and clown loaches in the tank? thanks for all your responses by the way! :)
I have a king british med that cures allsorts like ick, velvet, slime, finrot, neon tetra disease.. Iv never had to use it yet. im trying to get ick out of my tank at the moment but im using something else. Cotton wool stuff killed off 2 of my red plattys the other week before I could stop it so i would treat it quick.
if its a white substance but it is inside of your fish, it might be a very nasty skin eating internal bacteria. try buying a internal parasite cure. also remove the fish into its own tank. this is highly contageous. if it is white stuff on the outside it is only bacteria you got lucky. the inside guy has killed half of my tanks off before.
if its a white substance but it is inside of your fish, it might be a very nasty skin eating internal bacteria. try buying a internal parasite cure. also remove the fish into its own tank. this is highly contageous. if it is white stuff on the outside it is only bacteria you got lucky. the inside guy has killed half of my tanks off before.
Good luck with her you seem really attached to your guppies hope it works out . Keep us posted.
so i'm sorry to say that my guppies did not make it through the night.... my gourami saw that they were weak and started picking on them... well it was only 4 days that i had them so back to petsmart i went... so i thought i would be leaving with 2 healthy female guppies.... WRONG!!! :grr: turns out that all their females had the same thing my fish did and the guy told me that i should come back on friday when they get a new shipment.... just makes me mad that they didn't quarantine those fish or try to treat them, they're just going to die and no one is going to buy them like that!!!! so sad. and the worst is they treat their fish the best out of any petstore i've seen. maybe it was just a bad shipment but i don't know... so hopefully after my spring break i will get more so my males aren't lonely :sad:

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