Expanding To Full Aquaria / Marine

Well i cant stand the place "Metrocentre"and answer this ? why do they insist on using one central filter and only treating individual tanks when a problem exists.. Thats says enough to tell me they arnt kitted out right "well our store" its either that or the staff talk utter crap,

I have had a run in with them and contacted their head office for some answers, they were very forthcoming in a reply and even offered vouchers, although that wasnt what i was after.

Whilst in their shop showing the manager the problem of whitespot and velvet that the fish were suffering from, one of the shop assistants had the nerve to serve a customer infront of us from the very same stock of fish, although he did assure the customer that he chose the healthy ones. I was simply mortified as my wife had that very same week been told the same BS and released infected fish into my community tank as a gift for me (ACCIDENTS CAN HAPPEN BUT THE STORE KINDA ASSISTS IN THEM SOMEWHAT). When i raised the issue i was quickly given enough treatment to dose a resovoir, airpump and a credit note for fish when their new stock came in (that obvcourse was swapped for goods) then guided to their main door as the customers continued to browse the tanks..

Dobbies on the other hand is a garden centre and the 1st thing i was met with on entering the aquatic section was a large sign stating FISH CURRENTLY UNDERGOING TREATMENT NOT FOR SALE UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE), If they can do it why cant others? Although im sure someone has had a bad experiance there.

Yes a disease can be accidently overlooked but dead fish cant and certainly not when a member of the public brings the issue to their attention and still continue to sell thm as this is blatent neglect on their part.

And checking the customers water quality is utterly useless when they know one of the main reasons the fish die is due to them being ill whilst in store, plus if they dont know what a dead fish looks like, would you trust them with water chemistry?

In my view Pets at Home at the metrocentre really need to take a good look at their store managers practice "but looking at this thread its a national issue" and either revise keeping aquatic life or bucking their ideas up big time.
They are however cheap for some foods, medications, equipment etc. but the fact that some will remark on how poorly the fish are kept but yet avail of the cheap offers on other things surprises me.
I believe it is unethical to give money to the store when you know that their fish are being handled in a less than acceptable manner.

I agree, buying stuff from them just means that the good lfs in your area dont get your money and end up having to close down.(in the end we will only have places like p@h)

I'd rather pay a little extra to someone who makes an effort to keep thair stock healthy and supply you with good advice.
I think we're losing the point of this thread...

The point is that they're doing marines.

And they seem to be doing them WELL.

Pets at Home doing something well? Are you sure? Doesn't sound like the PAH I know.

It's not just fish. Their whole lack of pet knowledge makes them completely unsuitable to be selling anything with a heartbeat. And that's if it's still lucky to have one, considering who's looking after it.

They've got a really bad reputation all over the pet sites I use, especially on the rat/rodent forums for their continued dismissal of information given to them about bedding/substrate (they sell - or did when I last went - their tiny rat starter sets with sawdust which causes respiratory distress, myco flare ups and even death in many rodents), and their staff's inability to sex animals properly, although I have an inkling that's why they offer to take on any "accidental" babies. IMO the sooner they stop selling anything living the better. I personally only visit it if I'm nearby which is very very rare now. They could be a fab shop with their size and range of products, but if they cant keep their staff long enough to train them, they shouldn't be selling livestock. Simple.

And as for their other products, they're not that cheap compared to other pet superstores. Jollye's is much more reasonable and....they dont sell pets (at least mine doesnt)! Big thumbs up for them ;)
I have much better knowledge of birds than fish and I have two local pets at homes, one is 15 mins away and the other is 20 mins away in the other direction, now one is really good for birds, large aviaries, always fresh water, have access to veggies, but the other, water dosent look like its been changed for days, all seed diet (this is very bad for birds and is difficult to ween them off it) tiny cages, constantly means birds escape when they are trying to catch them, also inappropriate mixing of species

From what I know of fish it seems about the same for them, one brilliant and one really sad! I know I have gone off topic loads by talking about birds :blush: I'm just saying that there are massive differences depending which pets at home you go to
I was in Pets at Home last weekend.They had an excellent selection of tropical plants and i bought some as well as a planted bogwood. :)
I wanted an angelfish which the assistant dropped on the floor then put back into the bag.When i said i didn't want it because she'd dropped it i was told once they are caught they are sold and i'd have to pay for it.My wife didn't want to cause a scene so we bought it.It died later that night so i won't be getting no more fish there. :( :(
I hope you took it up with the manager, that's appalling! :eek:

With regards the small animal care, it seems it's a nationwide problem, as I'm not the only person (by a long shot) to have noticed it - if you go on many rat/rodent boards you're bound to find someone whinging about them. Their track record, all over the country (I'm not saying all stores but certainly a large amount!), is pathetic.

Taken from their website:

"Perhaps the most suitable type of enclosure is either a large wire multi level cage or an aquarium with a well ventilated and secure lid as rats are extremely agile and can jump up to two feet or more! The minimum size cage for one rat is 60cm x 37cm x 22cm."

Firstly, rats shouldn't be kept in aquariums as the ammonia build up affects their respiratory systems, and they need to climb. Secondly rats are not animals to be kept singularly.

Now you might think "Why's she wittering on about rats on a fish board?" and my point is this. While it's fair enough for them to blame their bad advice on untrained staff - they have had people contact them with the correct info and have refused to hand it out! The last time I was on a rodent board was over a year ago, and for months people had been campaigning for them to change their info - even offering to do correct care sheets for them. If they're still saying the wrong info on their site, does it really sound like the top dogs there care? Could be a fish, a bird, a hamster, a rabbit - they just dont want to learn the correct way to care for the animals they sell.
It would be fairly pointless introducing fish keeping laws when you can go to your local lake, pull them out via a hook through the mouth then club them to death.

I can't see this being legal but keeping an oscar in a 45 gal tank instead of a 75 will get you in trouble.
I was in Pets at Home last weekend.They had an excellent selection of tropical plants and i bought some as well as a planted bogwood. :)
I wanted an angelfish which the assistant dropped on the floor then put back into the bag.When i said i didn't want it because she'd dropped it i was told once they are caught they are sold and i'd have to pay for it.My wife didn't want to cause a scene so we bought it.It died later that night so i won't be getting no more fish there. :( :(
I cant believe that! If you don't want to complain in person you could try in writing, I once got some creepy crawlies in a flat pack cage box, and they sent me £10 in vouchers, what happened to you is much worse so you might get more
id complain about the fish dropping cos thats really snotty of the person who serves you to say that. and completely wrong. if you hadnt paid then its not yours and even if you had then it belongs to you but is in their care so is their responsibility. the person :))) who has 2 PAH nearby. where abouts do you live??

it annoys me when people have big rants about them saying the staff are crap because HELLO! i am staff and im sure there are more on here who arent clueless. and plenty in the other shops. although some will have rubbish staff and fish. of course, but some WILL have good fish and staff!
a lot of these seem to be cases with individual staff. and dealings with stores which are exceptionally bad. not all like that
and then the same people who are ranting are sayig that PAH could be good. SOME ARE! and by slagging them off in the same breath your not doing them any favours so dont sit on the fence.
Ok tell me how to care for a syrian hamster then. Or a cockateil. What's the perfect size cage for two rats? What size do common plecs get to? What is myco? How do you sex a rat? Without looking it up on the internet. On the spot. If you dont know, you shouldn't be selling them.

I'm not on the fence. I think they're crap and need to buck up before they sell animals. And I'm far from the only one who thinks that, and it's not from a personal bad experience. I dont like most pet shops who sell animals, as most staff dont know their arse from their elbow, and yet still tell folks they can keep a male and a female in together (so they can get the babies back for free to sell one to someone else), or that you can keep a rabbit in a 2ft hutch, or something similarly stupid. Why not say "Actually I dont know, but I'll look it up for you". Nope.

One day there'll be a ban on pet shops selling livestock. People will have to go to a rescue and have a homecheck, or go to a breeder and research their pet before buying it. Until then, we should be encouraging good practise and damning bad. And PAH on a whole are worse than bad. What's wrong with some criticism? They might learn from it!
Cheers Jenny for your imput its always nice to hear from someone on the other side of the counter and what you have said would sound about right in my book, I would honestly say your time would be better respected working for a small local aquatic store for the simple fact that you spend time (in your own time) researching your job and your hobby, your input if the other staff would listen to you could be extremely beneficial to them but most of them will be like the staff at McDonalds "work there because its a job but dont give a damn about cooking", I dont know how old you are but maybies young enough to use your clear interest in aquaria to progress onto bigger and better things..

Why not enquire and see if your company will enrol you on a recognised course (most reputable firms will if it can be seen to be beneficial to them) .
my honest experience of them is that they're a bunch of idiots who know nothing about fishkeeping. I was sold a freshwater shrimp that ate 4 of my tetras, danios that put disease into my tank, a guppy that died a week later and 2 mollys under the pretext that they didnt need salt and would be fine in a 15gallon. Needless to say the mollies and shrimp were taken back, reading was done and i'll never buy anything from them again

edit: stevie... you didnt want to "cause a scene" when they dropped your fish on the floor? Thats just bull#### what they told you! Not your fault someone dropped a fish on the floor. Mention "trading standards" and they would do whatever you wanted... By letting them get away with things like that your only making the problem worse

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