Fish Aficionado
Hi Everyone! One of the fun things about the forum is getting to see new tanks being set up and watching each other grow as hobbyists. I've been really impressed by some of the tanks I've seen up by new fishkeepers (because they are so much better than I managed!) and thought it would be fun to show how my tanks have changed over the relatively short time I've been in this hobby.
I hope that others will add the evolution of their tanks as well, this could be fun!
Starting from the "dark days" when I was doing it SO wrong - I didn't even know about cycling when I got these goldies. I was very fond of this guy though.
This is the same 48L tank but at this point I'd seen the error of my ways. Switched to tropical and cycled with ammonia
It contained what I will argue (to my death!) was the most beautiful betta ever hatched, 6 espei rasbora and 3 sterbai cory
It didn't take long before this tank wasn't cutting it any more so I upgraded to a Juwel Rio 180 which held various fish over the time that I had it but I still have many of them
This was my first planted tank and so it naturally evolved over time but this is how it looked before I sold it.
In the meantime I set up this little 35L for my betta, I felt like he needed his own digs
To keep him company he had Axelrod's rasbora and amano shrimp
And now I've got this 4ft, 340L tank (stocking in my signature). It's been set up for I think 8 weeks so it's got a long way to go!
I hope that others will add the evolution of their tanks as well, this could be fun!
Starting from the "dark days" when I was doing it SO wrong - I didn't even know about cycling when I got these goldies. I was very fond of this guy though.
This is the same 48L tank but at this point I'd seen the error of my ways. Switched to tropical and cycled with ammonia
It didn't take long before this tank wasn't cutting it any more so I upgraded to a Juwel Rio 180 which held various fish over the time that I had it but I still have many of them
In the meantime I set up this little 35L for my betta, I felt like he needed his own digs
And now I've got this 4ft, 340L tank (stocking in my signature). It's been set up for I think 8 weeks so it's got a long way to go!