Evil Lfs


Fish Fanatic
Jan 7, 2006
Reaction score
Warroad Minnesota
The other day I was at the lfs here and town and was talking to the owners son Tim, who takes care of the fish. While we were talking he was doing water changes for the bettas. I asked him how they got their fish shipped to them. I couldn't believe what he said! He said the bettas were shipped in wet paper towls! That made me mad. I suppose the place that ships the bettas to them is trying to save on shipping costs... Well I just thought I'd share that horrible fact with you guys.... :X
that is terrible...i know they are pretty easy to keep alive but that is crossing the line...
In Thailand they're shipped in wet java moss, its pretty standard over there i believe.

AS long as they stay damp they should be fine for short periods of time, cant say i'd risk it with mine though...
Wow thats some animal cruelty, my lfs gets theres in individual little hex plastic things with holes in the top, they pay for the shipping to ensure the fish are not harmed, another praise for my favorite LFS.
I've seen shrink wrapped bettas before.. in little baggy things that are about 2'' X 1''.. with enough water to cover their body and thats it.
Most breeders in the UK sell there fish in 4" by 4" bags that are heat sealed. They dont have alot of room to swim but they survive fine and look even better!

I've seen shrink wrapped bettas before.. in little baggy things that are about 2'' X 1''.. with enough water to cover their body and thats it.

My LFS gets them in that way. Each betta is individually wrapped in tiny bag and all are packed in a large bag. The large bag probably holds 30 or more bagged bettas. The store employees place each betta in a plastic cup...which is not much larger. :X

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