Ever Lost Interest?

Fintastic! said:
Thanks so much for your replies guys, much appreciated! Well you all inspired me, particularly you, ShinySideUp, when you said how they rely on me etc. Crikey I'm awful! I put on some good sounds and rolled up the old sleeves and gave it a good clean out today and I actually enjoyed it! I forgot how calming for the mind a good root around the tank can be. I wasn't even an hour at it. Poor fish, I'm a disgrace!:rolleyes:

Well done. We shall await pics now. :whistle:
eaglesaquarium said:
Thanks so much for your replies guys, much appreciated! Well you all inspired me, particularly you, ShinySideUp, when you said how they rely on me etc. Crikey I'm awful! I put on some good sounds and rolled up the old sleeves and gave it a good clean out today and I actually enjoyed it! I forgot how calming for the mind a good root around the tank can be. I wasn't even an hour at it. Poor fish, I'm a disgrace!

Well done. We shall await pics now.
eaglesaquarium said:
Thanks so much for your replies guys, much appreciated! Well you all inspired me, particularly you, ShinySideUp, when you said how they rely on me etc. Crikey I'm awful! I put on some good sounds and rolled up the old sleeves and gave it a good clean out today and I actually enjoyed it! I forgot how calming for the mind a good root around the tank can be. I wasn't even an hour at it. Poor fish, I'm a disgrace!

Well done. We shall await pics now.
After losing all my fish a few years back, and moving I got out of the hobby for a couple years, but I'm right back at it, and can't imagine not having a tank now.
The reason I keep on fish-keeping is that I have long-lived fish. Many fish don't live that long, they have evolved to breed quickly and die early, they lay masses of eggs most of which are going to be eaten and the race is on to grow and breed; they are usually not very big. On the other hand, I have Clown loaches, their breeding intricacies remain a mystery to me but they are long-lived and as such take on the status of something like a horse or a parrot in that they go on for many years. I HAVE to look after them. they are not disposable, they are not prey fish that live fast and die young. I look upon them as I look upon my dog -- it is for life, not until I get fed up. Even if I got fed up of looking after them, I would be obligated to continue to do so because they my responsibity.
This isn't another rebuke, I am just trying to show you my own philosophy on fish-keeping in particular and animal-keeping in general.
FYI: I have one dog, two rabbits, seven guinea pigs and a fish tank that takes up one side of my living room (well, almost).
Wow Shiny, you're kept busy! Yeah I know what you're saying. Even for the ones with a shorter lifespan, they deserve to be looked after. Poor little things didn't ask to be put in a tank in my living room, looking out at my mug day in/day out.

Yes I've rekindled the flame folks. As for pics Eagles, I still haven't managed to post a good pic here. It looks well though, despite my neglect. I have lots of vallis, and a few other little plants that I don't know the name of and they're thriving, despite the algae. I have a hunk of redmoor wood that is covered in green slime. I got the heebyjeebies when I tried to remove it so I'll see how it goes now that I'm back on the case. 

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