

Fish Maniac
Mar 4, 2005
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Just a few questions about evaporation etc.
My tank will be 24"x12"x18" (when it finally arrives) It will have 2 sliding coverglasses and I will be lighting the aquarium with 2x55watt & 1x36watt T5 Power Compacts under a cabinet hood and plan to fit 2 PC Cooling Fans with vents.Will there be a lot of evaporation over the space of a week (planning on weekly water changes). Correct me if I'm wrong if the water evaporates to a certain degree then the water thats left in the aquarium will be more saline. So if I do a weekly water change with the correct sg. et al then over a period of time the whole SG. will go out of balance and I will be making up water at different SG's to compensate for this each time. Is the evaporation neglegable or will I always be tweaking SG's at water changing time. It's a bit of a mish mash question but I hope you get the gist of what I'm trying to say.
Any advice on how you the membership go about waterchanges as regards to evaporation and salt content would be greatly appreciated.
I defeat the evap at water change time by a simple routine.

Add RO to the correct level before taking water out. This way you restore the correct salinity before doing the water change. Obviously you still want to measure the salinity, but it become easier this way.
Could I do this ... say.. the day before the water change.
I also do this along with adding some ro water during the middle of the week. It's a bit more expierement and soon you'll get a routine down.
Yeah, I actually topup my tank every day with RO water to keep sg fluctuation low. My tank will run 3 days without topoff before the sump goes dry so it kinda forces me to do it :). When I water change, I topup, let it mix for a few minutes, and then do the change with same sg water. Works well for me
Thanks again Fletch and all,
That has cleared up that little dilema.
I have a very simple gravity feed container....a 1000cc plastic container, hole drilled in the bottom and IV tubing siliconed in. I add 1L RO water per day and find that keeps things stable at 1.026. SH

I have a very simple gravity feed container....a 1000cc plastic container, hole drilled in the bottom and IV tubing siliconed in. I add 1L RO water per day and find that keeps things stable at 1.026. SH
I have a very simple gravity feed container....a 1000cc plastic container, hole drilled in the bottom and IV tubing siliconed in. I add 1L RO water per day and find that keeps things stable at 1.026. SH

I have a very simple gravity feed container....a 1000cc plastic container, hole drilled in the bottom and IV tubing siliconed in. I add 1L RO water per day and find that keeps things stable at 1.026. SH
Ok I got that SH
Ok I got that SH
How do you control the flow back in, do you use a small plastic airline "G" clamp set to a drip.
Roller ball....the pix are in my thread.


lol, good luck figuring that out before hand. Otherwise, set a level that you want to keep it at, and every day topup to that level

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