
:( I have read your thread through and it is very sad but i just wonted to say to you is good luck with her i really hope she pulls through. I have to say that Wilder and Bettamomma have always given me really good advice and if you follow there lead you cant go far wrong. Once again good luck with the little girl :wub: i think guppys are so pretty :D .

Best wishes Shanna
SM - thanks for the kind words :)
I'm learning right along with all of yous guys!

How's the little girl this evening? Any changes?

ps - when I left Jasper at work, he was nestled up on his new plant and he had a full belly (Well, full for him because he hadn't eaten him since I got him) - he ate 2 pellets! small progress. hopefully i'm not let down one of these next few mornings when i get to the office. :/
I've been reading on columnaris as i had a very serious virus wipe out over 40 of my guppies and their strains died and now I've been beating with with simply keeping the water clean and keeping they're temp no higher than 75F. I read this bacteria multiplies much faster in warmer temps so don't use the "ich high temperature" treatment for this or you'll have the opposite effect. So far NO more guppies of mine have it.
As for the tiny fry, get a breeder trap(only about $5) to keep the fry in your bigger tank so you can medicate your sick fish more. Even still, wouldn't you prefer to save this adult over the fry?

My little baby's hangin' in there! She's looking no worse... but not reeeeally better either. Actually, wait a minute... she had some reddish coloration on her side yesterday but today it looks like it is going away. It's almost as if the disease has stopped in it's tracks. I'm just waiting to see whether it takes a turn for the worst or for the better. :/ She's still eating, though... little piggie. :rolleyes:


I purposefully did not put a heater in so that the temp has stayed at about 75ish degrees. I think the temperature change really has made a difference in how fast the disease was progressing! :thumbs: I have her seperated into a quarantine tank that I set up... so hopefully that will speed up her recovery.

Thank you all for your kind words and well wishes!!! I'll try to keep you updated on the situation. :)
My Betta Ferdie had the same thing, and with a combo of Maracyn and Maracyn 2, he's now getting back to normal! Good luck!
what i do when the time calls for it is float either a jar or large glass bowl in big tank. they're seperated but they still keep warm. 1 fish doesn't use much air so you can just put it in the bowl each day for 5 or 10 minutes. that's what I do anyway, i keep my fry seperate that way too and they're great, i have an abundance of them.

Well, the female fancy was doing pretty badly with the Maracyn + salt... just barely holding on. She stopped eating a few days ago and her fins became more clamped. So, yesterday I did a 100% water change and started her on Tetracycline + salt. (Yes, I used Maracyn for the full 5 day regimen.) And then I noticed that one of the female feeders in the main tank had it. Oh, lordy... :S I am getting so tired of this. :-( Plus, I also noticed (too late) that one of the dwarf platies had it... he died yesterday. I was too late to save him. :sad: :byebye: I am a little bit encouraged, though, because the female fancy is looking better today and her fins have unclamped. Hopefully the two female guppies will pull through this okay. :flex:
Glad to hear she seems to be feeling a bit better.
Your fish problems come just like mine do - NEVERending. The problems just jump from fish to fish.

Hopefully everyone in your care will come around adn be happy and healthy once again.
Well, despite my attempts to save her, my little baby guppy girl has finally let go. :byebye: I can only hope and pray that she wasn't in too much pain for the 9 days that I was treating her. :sad: Should I go ahead and euthanize my other little girl? She looks like she is going the same way as the fancy. :-( Poor, poor, little babies... :-(
AAAAAAAAAAHHHHH! Stupid *insert bad word here* disease!!!!!! It just took my other little girl from me. :-( This is so painful... I've never had fish die like that before. Columnaris is a nasty, terrible disease! It's so cruel! They both suffered for over a week! Why?! Why?! Why?! :rip: little girls... you will always hold a special place in my heart. :byebye: :byebye: :byebye:
My goldfish has a white patch on his side as well.. He is eating like a pig and swimming around just fine but I am extremely worried about him. :/

I am sorry to hear about your loss. :-( :rip:
Hey, I was just cruising through posts farther down the list and I saw that you had some heartbreaking losses here. I'm not quite sure how this slipped thru the cracks and I missed it, but I'm really really sorry to hear of your loss. 2 in one shot even. :(

It looks like you lost them on the same day as I lost Amos.
Amos was my first fish loss and it was HORRIBLE. I can't imagine what you went thru with two. uugh.
Maybe they're all playing together up there - and Amos has 2 beautiful gals on his arm now.

Again, very sorry for your loss - and sorry I missed this one. I don't know how it happened.

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