Esha 2000


Jan 21, 2021
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I added this to the tank today and when the water turned green all the barbs shoaled together.The corys,even the ones who normally hide under the bog wood in daylight came out to feed,As did the rainbow shark and that too is saying something.
They must think the light has been dimmed down:D.
Great to see them out and about.
The green colour is weird ain't it? I've used it before. It did help with my problem. :)

What are you treating the tank for?
Three of the tiger barbs have been gradually losing their tail fins.I think it’s more the green barbs have been pecking at them as I’ve seen them,but I thought I would give esha a go “just in case”
Will you please upload photos of the fish?

It is possible they have fin rot, which is caused by poor water quality.
Three of the tiger barbs have been gradually losing their tail fins.I think it’s more the green barbs have been pecking at them as I’ve seen them,but I thought I would give esha a go “just in case”

Ah, nippy guys!
The eSHa will help prevent any secondary infections from nip bites too, so not a bad idea at all :)

The green is weird though ain't it? It's hard to describe to someone who hasn't seen it, kryptonite green clouds going into the water, lol.

Oh! Slight warning, keep an eye on your cycle when you're using this. I did experience mini-cycles in the two tanks I used it in - being anti-bacterial, it knocked back the nitrifying bacteria a bit. If the tank is heavily planted, it's not so drastic, it was barely noticeable in my heavily planted tank, but the other tank I used it in only had slow growing plants in it, so I needed to do some water changes while the bacterial colonies grew back to their previous size. Only took a few days for them to go back to normal, just a heads up to keep an eye out.
Cheers for the replies.Here’s the fish and the photo of the tank shows how green it is.


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Nice tank! :D

Yikes, the tail! Not good... :unsure:
Hope you see some improvement with the eSHa 2000. The leaflet does say that you can extend the three day course for stubborn issues, and I did use it for a week when I had a cory that took a while to respond to treatment, and it did work with the extended course, no problems.
It’s getting there AdoraBelle?
Hopefully the wound won’t get any worse,but there’s not much can be done about young barbs nipping at the old boys.I will dose for the three days to see if there’s any healing.
I’m using it again for my mystery death cult problem. It seemed to halt the deaths for a few weeks so I stopped it’s usage.
Three deaths in the last three days mean I’m using again.
I upped my fast oxygenators yesterday as an afterthought. Three tubs of tropica salvina. Gonna get some ED from MA today and I’m waiting for WL & AF delivery early next week. They can’t make things worse.
The greens requires a bit of psychedelic music. Try putting a bit of Jimi Hendrix on just before The drops start.
I’m using it again for my mystery death cult problem. It seemed to halt the deaths for a few weeks so I stopped it’s usage.
Three deaths in the last three days mean I’m using again.
I upped my fast oxygenators yesterday as an afterthought. Three tubs of tropica salvina. Gonna get some ED from MA today and I’m waiting for WL & AF delivery early next week. They can’t make things worse.
The greens requires a bit of psychedelic music. Try putting a bit of Jimi Hendrix on just before The drops start.
What's gonna happen with the rosy loaches and other fish? Will you still be getting them? I hope you do! But I know it would be nerve wracking when you don't know what happened :-(
That’s me dosed for a second day,again turned the water green.The fish seem happy though,I don’t think they can see my wallpaper now.
What's gonna happen with the rosy loaches and other fish? Will you still be getting them? I hope you do! But I know it would be nerve wracking when you don't know what happened :-(
They were supposed to be going into a 4-6 foot a tank which we’ve not yet got. Everyone bar the mosquitos was gonna end up in there. Their owners move is still nearly two months away atm. Their owners mate who’s dad lives a few doors from me can take them on a temp basis if things don’t improve, he’s got tanks n tanks of Livebearers.
Seeding from the death cult tank may not be advisable!

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