err.. help again?

It's very possible.
Did you use the same net as the other fish that died?

Oh well - regardless of what happened to make him this way, when tomorrow rolls around you can get the meds and hopefully he can make a full recovery.

Give him the water change tonight, that's about the only thing you can do for him at this point.
Im not sure, could be all day since I just noticed it when I came home from work. I didnt look at them this morning
Well, as long as it's been within the last day, then it's a lot better than if he's been sick several days.

I'd say check on him in the morning, do a partial water change in the morning for him if you can before work, and then medicate him when you get home from work. And let us know how it goes.
An update:

Lucky Charm appears to be doing better this morning. He doesnt have AS MUCH of that white fluff along his back and head. His movements arent as jerky..

yet, he still isnt eating and still acting sick. After work, I'll get some treatment.
Great! Keep up the good work.
Might I suggest that since he is in a one gallon, you get a liquid medicine that has indications for drops/gallon, because otherwise it will be hard to measure out. I find that most things asking for 1 tsp/10 gallons equals about 8 drops/gallon, but I've not done this with meds.
It might also be advisable to pick up some stress coat for him, as fungus usually growns as the result of an injury on the fish's body or a scraping on the slime coat. Netting can be very traumatic to bettas, who have sensitive skin, so perhaps you could scoop him up gently in a cup in the future? (You'll want this cup to have a lid so he doesn't hop out) It would also be a good idea if you continue to use nets to have a net for each fish as they can spread diseases to one another very readily.
If he isn't eating, perhaps you could tempt him with live food? I've found that with conditions on the face and gills, the fish become very reluctant to eat, possible because their faces are sore. Sometimes live food will do the trick, but if not, they can go several days without eating. If this is the case with your guys, perhaps once he starts eating again, you could give him something a little richer (blood worms, etc.) to give him good nutrition following recovery so he is at his strongest to heal. When my bettas are sick, I do 4 pellets in the AM and 2 blood worms in the PM, though my fish are in 5 gallon heated, filtered tanks, so they have higher energy needs.
Hopefully your little fishy feels better soon! I find fungus to be much easier to treat than bacteria for whatever reason. Perhaps because it is superficially occuring on the skin, rather than something that has to get all the way into the fish's body to be treated.
thanks Random. that helps alot.

I never use a net on my bettas. Once a betta got caught and tore his tail. Never again! I use dixie cups, much safer and I can leave them in there while I do water changes and just let them slip back into their homes.

I wrote down all suggested meds and such, when I go to the store later, I can decide which is best.

Thanks everyone :D
RandomWiktor said:
It might also be advisable to pick up some stress coat for him, as fungus usually growns as the result of an injury on the fish's body or a scraping on the slime coat.

From the photos, it looks to me like the little guy's problem could be that he's sloughing his slime coat, probably as a result of having been netted and moved 4 times. I've had that trailing cloudy whiteness show up on a couple of my fish who jumped out of their tanks.

In any case, the advice re. stress coat and meds to treat fungus, plus clean water and aquarium salt, is probably the best thing you can do. If it's the slime coat sloughing, you will hopefully see a big improvement by tomorrow.
How is he doing now ?? Did the treatment help ?

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