err.. help again?


Oct 25, 2004
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well, lets see if I get the following info right.

Another one of my betta isnt looking so good. I had him for about a month now. He's in a 1 gal bowl, regular water changes (about 2-4 times a week, last was last night) and temp is around 75*.

He's been happily eating pellets, till today (where he isnt eating anything)

Resting on bottom with jerky movements.

Appears to have clear-white fluff along his head and back. (check pics)

In my google research, the closest I could come with is velvet. (they say it's gold to rusty color, not white)

I hope my pics help. He still has his coloring, though not as bright.

What Ive done so far: added ich treatment, and a small bit of marine salt. I got nervous doing this becuase I've never done this before! this is what the sites suggested.

Im hoping for other opinions or tips. and especially if this betta has velvet.

His name is Lucky Charm. Ironic for whats happening to him now... :p



Okay, I don't know if marine salt is the same thing as aquarium salt, but I don't think it is. If it is, then you did good. If it isn't, then it shouldn't be in there.... If possible, go to the store and pick up some aquarium salt. It's very inexpensive, and comes in large quantity. 1/2 teaspoon per gallon is a good dose for aquarium salt.

I think what we're looking at here is fungus. It looks like fungus to me. If this pretty boy here were my fish, I'd be treating him with Methylene Blue, simply because I've used it in the past and had great results with it. Other people will recommend something different, I'm sure, and I hope that they do! Maybe you can find one or the other. Get some as soon as possible and start dosing him until the fungus is completely gone and he is back to normal.
its 11pm here now, all stores are closed. I didnt get home from work till an hour ago and I saw him like this.

is this fungus fatal? I hope he'll be alright! he's one of my prettiest ones
I have mostly stuff for my marine tank. My bettas has been doing great and I never needed anything.

I just have marine salt, Rid-Ich, Water conditioner.. table salt (ha) and cycling.
Well, you can start by doing a complete water change. That couldn't hurt.

I don't think anything you have on hand can really help right now.

Is he laboring to breathe? Is he having trouble swimming?
water change, I'll do that as soon as I finish typing this.

breathing normally.

He swims fine, though jerks and throws his head side to side. I find him wedging his head between the marbles on the bottom and rest there for a few moments.
Here's what I would do for him tonight...
I don't know what kind of tank you have him in, but I would give him a 100% water change and at least get him in clean water.
It looks like he's pretty sick, but if you can run out and get some meds first thing tomorrow morning he might be okay.

I would at this point probably pick up a few things....
I'd proably get some MarOxy to treat the fungus, and I would also probably get some Maracyn and use that right along with the MarOxy. The Maracyn will also treat for columnarius, if that's what he has.

Good luck, and come back if you need help with dosing, etc.
I can't think of anything you can do for him tonight, with the stores being closed, other than to do a complete water change for him. First chance you get, I'd say head out to the store and get some aquarium salt and either Methylene Blue or whatever medicine other people suggest that you can find.

Maybe BettaMomma or someone else can add something to this that I can't think of.
my first chance would be tomorrow at 5pm. *sigh* I hate work sometimes. I hope he'll be alright till then.

Thanks you two, you've helped me alot. better than those sites I went to. I appreciate it.

Im going to be posting the pics of my other bettas on shortly, tonight or tomorrow for your viewing enjoyment.
Would it be possible to take him to work with you and run out at lunch time?
I know it might be a big old hassle, but if his tank is small enough....

Just a thought.
If not, you're doing the best you can.
He was supposed to be with me at work, but I got in trouble for having a fish and I had to take him back home. I dont want to bring him back and get in trouble again. Im thinking maybe the stress of catching him 4 times in one day stressed him out, now that I think of it?

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