Equipment Recomendations For A 50gal

Looks good to start man :). Those are Polyps, probably common zoanthids. Lucky you got some ;). They may grow, they may not, just let them do their thing. Hows the ammonia?
Ammonia is zero, and the polys weren't there yesterday, so Im guessing thats a good sign?

BTW: I have had the lights on 24/7 good or bad Idea?
Bad idea cause it wastes electricity, best to start with a 10 hour cycle :) And yes, the polyps are a good sign. Sounds like your rock might be mostly cured already
I wasnt sure it would help the cycle, It helps algae grow, figured it had to do some good, guess I was wrong, lol.
I checked ammonia before I left for work, .25! Good to know something is happening!
Day 3 of the ammonia at .25, no change in nitrites, or anything else for that matter.
Update!!!! Ammonia appears to have dropped to 0, nitrites between 0 and .25, nitrates between 5 and 10 (looks to be closer to 10)! Finally some action! I thinking something is going in the tank by this weekend? I hope so! Lets talk clean up crew!
Just checked levels, oddly enough ammonia 0, nitrites 0, nitrates 10. Could this really be right? Up time with live rock and sand is about 12 days, shrimp was in there from day 2 or so. I am getting hair algae all over one of my large peices of live rock, Ill have to look for an emerald crab locally, not real big on any crabs locally other than arrows and hermits. Any other advice? Could I really have fish in here by this weekend?

Ive ran all the tests twice, with an api saltwater liquid tests, with the same results.
What should I be shooting for in the nitrate department, I know the only way to get rid of them in FW is a water change. When should I do my first change?
If nitrates get to 20ppm or higher, consider a change (~50% BEFORE adding livestock). Make sure you wait though, cause if you see it rising day-to-day wait for it to level off before you waterchange :). Pointless to do the change at 20ppm if it's just on its way to 40 ;)

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