Enzo At Bottom Of Tank A Lot ... Last Day Or So ...


Mostly New Member
Jul 18, 2014
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I just put my beta in tank a couple days ago ....he is rerally active when Im around tank or at feedings....but the moment I step out room I noticed after a while he end up just chilling at bottom of tank in one spot.
For a moment I though he was dead ...then suddenly came alive when I went closer to tank.
He seems fine ...fins looking good ... temp at 25 ish degrees .... is this too low?>
Any advice would be appreciated
Your tank isn't cycled. This is likely the cause of your woes. You'll need to get a liquid test kit and do a 50% water change. Also it wouldn't hurt to bump the heat up a little more.
Pop the heat up to 27/28 ish, check your water params with a liquid test kit too.

You could use some mature media to kick start Enzos filter cycle from your wife's tank too, but you'll only need a small amount.
Well have to say .... his mood has changed some ...quite playfull actually ...literally comes running like a dog at feeding times and loves swimmimg up to your hand ... I almost want to give him a dogs name hahaha
I have never seen such a playfull fish ....ever : -)  wish I could get the pics to upload but am battling a bit with that ?? Pics too big ...
Give him whatever name you want, he's your fish after all. They really do have tons of personality which is part of why they're so addicting! :D
Have you tried uploading the pics to a photo sharing website like photobucket and linking them here?
I'd definitely take a bit of media from your wife's filter (no more than 1/3) and get a liquid test kit if you don't have one already to keep an eye on the water parameters.
Did you bump the heat up? Glad he's being more active :)
I did up the temp ... heater says 27.5 but thermometer still reads constant 25 ...we are having a proper British Summer for a change ...so not lke its cold out ....well he seems to be cool with it .... gonna do a bit of a water chnage today ...and do water tests
He attacks blood worms like ...a salty box of pop corn from the cinema .... I only give him about two ata time ..as I want him to eat his flakes too.
I will try photo bucket thingy a little later ....may need some help as Im not to savi with that kinda stuff.
have good weekend all ....
They do love their bloodworms. I wouldn't give him more than 2 or 3 of those. I would not feed anything else on the same day.
I'd also switch from flakes to a good quality betta pellet. Flakes can cause bloat and they are rather hard to measure out in how much you're feeding. :)
Hope you have a lovely weekend.
My nearest proper fish specialist is Maidenhead Aquatics ...they have cool fridge with live food ...(new to me) ...they were selling "Sea Monkeys" (as I called them when I was a kid) ....as fish food hahahaha we bought some for our fish seems they love them too...
Beta pellets sounds good ...as I have to say half the time Enzo plays with his food as it sinks to bottom of tank ....
Thanks weekend was good except ...not long enough : -)

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