You would think they were grateful to have jobs at all in the current climate! I feel another winter of discontent is just over the horizon

well, that's at an interesting comment! The point these workers are trying to make is that foreign labour, which is cheaper, is being used instead of the local labour force. They are trying to save jobs

yes their action is illegal, wild cat strikes have been illegal for some years, but have you never felt so strongly about something that you be willing to cross the line (and I don't mean a picket line)? Foreign companies like TOTAL set up Business' here in Britian and then bring in cheap labour from abroad and yes before anyone says it, we are in a Common market place in Europe but in an economic crisis who can blame the workers at TOTAL for wanting local jobs for local people - I would say, 'up the workers'
but yes, I am concerned about power cuts BigC

you only have to look back a short way in to our history to see what can happen in an economic crisis
Seffie x