I had some 300 Guppy fry in a 3ft tank inside the fish room, all from the same breeding group and all with the same genes stretching back to 1995 when the culture was started with about 2 males and 5 females.....
A while back, I moved 50% of these to an outside pond and reared them seperately to the fishroom batch......
Today... I also moved the fishroom batch to the outside pond to join their brothers and sisters after about 4 months of seperation...
Looking from the top down into the pond, it is clear to see which of those fish comes from the inside (fish room) tank and which had been outside all along..... The fish room lot are much more darker in body colouring than those which were reared outside.....
Anyone got an explanation for this..... and also.... how can this phenomenon be applied to develop desired colour strains
A while back, I moved 50% of these to an outside pond and reared them seperately to the fishroom batch......
Today... I also moved the fishroom batch to the outside pond to join their brothers and sisters after about 4 months of seperation...
Looking from the top down into the pond, it is clear to see which of those fish comes from the inside (fish room) tank and which had been outside all along..... The fish room lot are much more darker in body colouring than those which were reared outside.....
Anyone got an explanation for this..... and also.... how can this phenomenon be applied to develop desired colour strains