Entries For May 2010 Monthly Fun Comp. - Sleeping Pets.

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heres Flash again practising his favourite hobby!!!

Our sleeping pet fun theme for this month seems to be a popular topic..... lots of entries.... (maybe to the extent that we've forgotten about our regular POTM competition)

Let those nominations (and seconders) roll in... we are behind schedule on those.
We have 2 days left for more entries in the Sleeping pet fun theme competition before we go over to voting... Have you entered yours' yet??...
The last member of my pet family (will feel bad if I do not enter him as well)

I actually get along better with my wife than I do with him... We agree to disagree... he wants to be the dominant male in my house and I won't allow him to, so there is a lot of mutual Hisssing going on between him and me.... (I honestly hissss back at him when he does it to me)... his name is "Ouboeta". Since he does not like (or trust) me, it is difficult to steal a sleeping photo of him, but this is the closest I could come without awakening him.

Chooses some of the unpacked boxes (recently moved) to take his afternoon nap... Maybe for camouflage??
Here's Rosie snoozing after an hour long bath and clipping session in the dog grooming van. Rosie has taken a bit of dislike to the groomer, the whole time she is in there you can hear her long mournful howls. When its over she likes to find a nice smelly bit of fox poo roll in it and then have a nap on the sofa.

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